Part 19

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3rd person's pov

"So where are you friends?" Aomine ask Seiji since Akashi infrom him, Kise, Momoi, and Kagami to take Seiji to the park because Seiji is gonna meet up some friends, and those friends are gonna came over.

" ahm... Taka-kun said that he shou... Ah Their they are!" Seiji said and was looking at the park until he look a familiar white hair boy.

"Taka-kun!" Seiji said and run towards his friend.

"Seiji/ Seiji-chan!" The three of them called.

"Good afternoon Taka-kun, Hiro-kun, Kyo-kun." Seiji said.

"Wah... Seiji/ Seiji-chan is so cute." Both Hiroshi and Kyohei said and they hug The Little Seiji.

"Ehem, Who gave permission that you two can touch Seiji!?" Taka said with a Deadly glare.

"But Seiji is our friend too, Taka-chan can't have Seiji to hisself." Hiroshi said.

"Yeah, Yeah. I agree." Kyohei said too.

"You guys don't fight. We can spend the rest of the day together. The more the merrier right?" Seiji said and smile.

The three of them blush, Including kise, Aomine, Momoi and Kagami. Seeing Seiji smile makes them Blush.

"So Cute. can't resist." Kise said as his body is already tensing, wanting to hug Seiji to death but he held hisself.

"Who are the?" Taka ask as he gave a slight glare at those people.

"Ahm.. They are Akashi-san's friend. This Kise, Ryota. Aomine, Daiki, Momoi, Satsuki. And Kagami, Taiga." Seiji introduced. "Kise-san and the rest this are my friends. Zuzako, Kyohei. Hinata, Hiroshi, and Shinya, Takaoshi." Seiji said.

"Hello kids." Kise said and wave at seiji's friend.

"Tsk, You guys are friends with that Old man. How annoying." Taka said.

"Who do you think your calling an Old man!?" Aomine said and glare a little at the boy.

"That red-haired freak!" Taka said, he then observe Aomine from top to bottom."speaking of Which your an Old man too." Taka said.

"What you say you brat!?" Aomine said.

"Who do you think your calling a Brat!?" Taka said.

And Aomine and Taka glare each other. Lighting strike between them.

"Come on Aomine-san, Taka-kun pls don't fight. I'll cry if the two of you figh. So pls calm down." Seiji said giving a Look who's ready to cry.

"Ok, Ok, Don't cry. Akashi will kill me if you will." Aomine said.

"I'll torture you worste if you make Seiji Cry." Taka said.

"Huh, I can't wait for that." Aomine said.

"Hahahaha, Aominecchi is so cute being Childish hahaha." Kise said. Aomine blush.

"Hah!? What are you laughing at!?" Aomine said quite embarrassed.

"Well, Aominecchi is being childish because his fighting with a 6 years old kid hahaha." Kise said.

"Hahahaha, I guess thats a Little bit Funny." Kagami said.

"Aomine became an Idiot again." Momoi said.

"Stop saying that! Idiots!" Aomine said embarrassed.

"Aomine-san is cute when he blush." Seiji commented and Chuckle too.

Aomine blush more, seeing Seiji's smile was something. He can literally see Seiji's back ground has full of flowers and sparkles.

His Three friends were also looking at Seiji thinking, "Seiji is so cute.."


Now that They are all in the car.

"I'm excited to see the place of Akashi-san." Kyohei said happily.

"Yeah, I'm kinda Excited too." Hiro said.

"Seiji, What's Akashi-san to you?" Taka ask.

"Hm.... His A Friend. He helps save my life." Seiji said.

"So his a completely stranger. Do you know that its not right to go with Strangers." Taka said.

"Hai, Mom told me not too. But, Akashi-san is not bad. So far he didn't do anything bad to me, His kinda spoiling me and treat me well. " seiji explain.

"I think he is a nice man." Kyohei said.

"He is." Momoi interrupted them.

"Though Akashicchi can be a little cold and scary, He is very nice. He helps everyone and guides everyone you know." Kise said.

"Kise-san Knows Akashi-san so well?" Seiji ask.

"All of use here knows Akashi since we are Middle School. Well, Except Kagami that is." Momoi said.

"Wow, That was too long already." Hiro said.

"Yup, Were friends for too long." Momoi said.

"Then, From now on we should have a strong friendship too." Kyohei said.

"What are you talking about? With Seiji here by our side our friendship won't broke." Taka said, "right Seiji?" Taka said.

"Hai, I'll make sure everyone gets along and be nice to each other." Seiji said happily.

All of them smile thinking Seiji was so Cute.





All of Seiji's friends Jaw Drop.

"You...." Hiro said in a shock way.

"Live...." kyohei

"Here?..." Taka said.

"Hai, Akashi-san live here." Seiji said.

"This is amazing!" Hiro said with a spark in his eyes.

"Yeah, Yeah. You live in A Castle, Your like a Cinderella Or something!" Kyohei said happily too.

"I'm not a girl." Seiji said pouting.

"Yeah, But your cute." Hiro said.

"Agreed." Taka and Kyohei said.

Seiji pout more. "I'm not cute." Seiji said.

Momoi chuckle seeing this kids. "Sa, Lets go inside. Shall we?" Momoi said and guide the kids.

"Hai," they all said.

The kids were amazed from everything. From the hallway that leading to the main door, beside it was a bush of beautiful flower. Then when the main door was open, You can immediately see how gorgeous the mansion lool like. Specially the chandelier that stand out.

They were all amazed until they got to the dinning room.

"Were like in the castle really. I never thought we can see one." Kyohei said.

"Me too." Taka said.

"Were like in the Fairy Tale." Hiro said.

They all amazed.

"Then, Would you care to join us for lunch?" Momoi ask.

"Hai, Lets go." The kids said.

All in all they enjoy there meAl and have fun together.


Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊

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