Part 36

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3rd person's pov

"Nee-san, Sorry to interupt but everyone already went  home and Hiro-kun Brought someone with him." Seiji said and open the door further and a dog came in.

"Ah, Nigou." Tetsuyana said as she run towards the dog.

"Arf, Arf," The dog said and lick Tetsuyana's face.

"Miss you too." Tetsuyana said happily.

"Ale? kagami-san?" Seiji said as he notice Kagami hide behind the couch.

Nigou look at Kagami and immediately run towards Kagami and Kagami Run away from Nigou and hide behind Momoi

"You should fucking dog! Why are You still alive! Why does Kuroko Still have you!? Get away shoo!" Kagami said. The dog happily bark at Kagami.

Tetsuyana approach the dog.

"It looks like Nigou Knows you, Kagami-san." Tetsuyana said.

"How can He not Know me!? His! His always ruining our practice back in serin!" Kagami said.

"So You knew Nigou huh?" Seiji said.

"Yes, That damn Dog. But he was still little when Kuroko found him but now... He grew into a wolf." Kagami said.

"And his fluppy see." Seiji said and embrace the dog, the dog and Seiji both a sad look.

"Don't look at me like." Kagami said.

"His cute you know." Seiji said and let Nigou run towards Kagami who keep Running away too.

"Bad Boy, Bad Boy!" Kagami said and went to panic and run outside of the office. Seiji was about to follow when,

"Seiji?" Tetsuyana called.

"Hai Nee-san?" Seiji said.

"I'm gonna Visit mom, Do you like to come?" Tetsuyana said.

Seiji was shock a little before he look down and gave a sad smile look. "Hai, I would love to. But first What are we gonna do with Nigou?" Seiji ask.

"We can leave him here if thats Ok with Akashi-san Right?" Tetsuyana said.

Akashi went back to the reality. This current too much information did shock him.

For all this time, He was praying, hoping that he will see Tetsuya again. He will he his beloved again once more. Could this be it?

And also is it possible that This two kids here are his own daughter and Son?

And why did for 8 years Tetsuya never came to him? Why ?

"Its fine." Akashi said.

Then Tetsuyana nod and Seiji bow. "Arigato Akashi-san." Seiji said.

"Ryota and the others are gonna stay here. Shintarou, Kanzuri and I will gonna go to The hospital." Akashi said.

"Got it Akashicchi." Kise said.

"Notify us if Its Tetsu or not."aomine said with a worried voice.

"I will, and Hope that its him." Akashi said and gave a sad smile.

Then After that, Tetsuyana lead Akashi to the Hospital were There mother was at it.

Akashi's word almost Shattered when he confirm that it was Tetsuya who was laying in the hospita bed with a mask in his face. His complexion was bot ok, His pale skin had became more paler, but still he had those blue hair. Tetsuya too became a little bit Skinny, he saw How the Two Kids sat on edge of the bed.

"Hello, Mom. Were here to visit." Tetsuyana said.

"Sorry If We didn't visit you often mom. I'm sorry too for everything." Seiji said and was holding his mother hand. "Mom, today Nee-san and I were living with Akashi-san. His really a good guy and help us in everything...." Seiji said and was trying not to cry.

"He was always there when I needed Him, and Help both me and Nee-san together. His friends too are there for us, Sometimes they play with us too and it was fun. Today, Nigou is at the house and I'm sure he misses you too. I hope you wake up soon mom, And I'm sorry if this is all my fault." Seiji said.

Akashi seeing this Is more painful than his heart had already suffer.

"Seiji, I'm sure Mom doesn't blame you in that Accident it just happens. If you keep blaming your self Mom will scold you if he wakes up." Tetsuyana said.

"But..... No matter what Nee-san is gonna Look at, It was my Fault. I... I.. Was..." Seiji then started crying.

Tetsuyana held her Brother in her arms. "Shh, Stop crying or your gonna be the next one who's gonna stay in the hospital. You don't like it don't you?" Tetsuyana said and Wipe Seiji's tears.

Seiji just look down.

"I'm sorry nee-san and to mom too, I'm always a burden to all of you." Seiji said.

"No your not. If you keep thinking that way Mom will probably angry at You, You don't like that Do you?." Tetsuyana said.

Seiji shook his head.

"Good." Tetsuyana said and pat Seiji.

"I feel a little bit sleepy," Seiji said.

"Probably because your crying too much, You shouldn't do that since it will make your heart and body weak." Tetsuyana said.

Seiji walk to edge of the bed and held his mother's hand. "Let us stay here for a while Nee-san. Its been a while since we last Visited mom and I want to stay by his side just for a bid." Seiji said.

"Ok." Tetsuyana said.

"Thank you." Seiji said and close his eyes while holding his mom hands.

Tetsuyana turn her  head towards Akashi who is already Crying. Shock was presented in his face so thus tears came from his eyes flowing. Takao was crying too, and Midorima was also about to cry.

"Are you guys alright?" Tetsuyana said.

"Tetsuyana-chan!" Takao said and held Tetsuyana, He cry.

"I'm so sorry, But what I see currently is so very sad." Takao said.

"Its fine." Tetsuyana said.

"Its ok, You don't need to hold your tears. You can cry too." Takao said.

Tetsuyana smirk. "I can't cry anymore. My tears already drain since the moment both Mom and Seiji was in Coma. Beside I promise mom that I won't cry because he will be sad too. And It hurts to see Mom cry as well." Tetsuyana said.

"Tough one I see, Just Like Akashi." Midorima said

Tetsuyana look at Akashi who exited the room.

"Is he gonna be fine?" Tetsuyana ask.

"He will, Shin-chan." Takao said.

"Stay with the kids." Midorima said and Takao nodded.


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Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊😊

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