Part 25

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3rd person's Pov

Seiji ask the driver to take him to school, he first debated to Hisself because he doesn't wann bother the driver. But he alsjo don't wanna be a trouble or make Akashi worrie. So He decided to ask the driver.

The driver was shock about Seiji because he didn't notice the kid at first, But was amazed by the kid's politeness. Seiji was really a respectful child. Whoever is this kid's parents must be Nice.

When Seiji arrive at School, he bow and thanks the driver and went to his Class room. 

"Good Morning, Niwako-sensei." Seiji greeted his teacher. The whole class startled, but Niwako smile at Seiji.

"Morning Seiji, come on. Class is about to start." Niwako said.

"Hai." Seiji said as he went to his sit, Ofcourse his classmates still thinks his a Ghost except for the three, Which was his friends.

His friends greeted him silently before they listen to the lesson.

Break Time:

"Your late today seiji." Kyohei commented.

"Ah, Its because I cooked breakfast for Akashi-san." Seiji said.

"WHAT!? Did that old man force you to cooked?" Taka ask with a little bit of Shock and Cold voice and look.

Seiji shook his head.

"Nope. i was the one who wanted to cooked for Him since his becoming Workaholic. I don't like it." Seiji said. "I know his a busy man, But he shouldn't be workaholic because its bad for your health. Mom once became like that and he was Hospitalized for two weeks. Its so.... Worrying." Seiji said looking down.

"Oh, Workaholic is a disease or something?" Hiro ask.

"Nee-san said, that us a term to call those people who drown thereseld in there work." Seiji said.

"Therefore its a term for people who work and work without rest until they die." Taka said.

"Thats sound scary." Hiro said while paling a Bit.

"Speaking if your nee-san, Nii-san said he and mom will come home tomorrow." Kyohei said.

"Thats great. It means nee-san will be home too." Seiji said happily.

"How can you be happy when that demon is gonna return?" Takaa said not happy at all.

"Pls don't call nee-san a demon. She is just cold and a lone wolf, But she is nice." Seiji said.

"Your the only one who can say that." Kyohei said.

"By the way Seiji-chan. When can I return Nigou?" Hiro said.

"Hm, Tomorrow. Nee-san will be home tomorrow too." Seiji said.

"Can you bring the dog to Akashi-san's house?" Kyohei ask.

"No that will be too much of a Bother." Seiji said.

"Ok, its your decision." Hiro said.

"Did Nigou bother you?" Seiji ask.

"No, he is a very well tamed dog. Its just... my little brother doesn't play with me anymore. He always play with Nigou, I got jealous." Hiro said with fake tears in his eyes.

"Its ok, Nee-san will be home tomorrow. I will get Nigou tomorrow too." Seiji said.

"But that means your not gonna live in a big castle again?" Kyohei said.

Seiji look down. "Hai, But I will miss Akashi-san and his Friends for sure." Seiji said.

"His friends are annoying don't you think? Specially that blonde hair one." Taka said.

"Kise-san's nature is being childlish just like Hiro-kun." Seiji said.

"Other term for annoying." Taka said and roll his eyes.

"How mean Taka-chan! I'm not that Annoying!" Hiro said with a cute fake tears in his eyes. 

"Your not cute at all, and Don't add 'chan' in my name." Taka said and glare.

"Wah 😭 Seiji-chan look Taka-chan is bullying me Again." Hiro said.

"Don't add'chan'! I my name Idiot!" Taka said.

"There, There Hiro-kun, Its gonna be ok." Seiji said and pat Hiro's head.

"Then the rest was they spend time together and have fun.

But seiji by leaving Akashi. Because he will sure miss Akashi-san. Akashi was a person that too care of him now a days. He thinks that he needed to do something for Akashi. For everything he done to Seiji. But Seiji's only talent was cooking, and he doesn't have any more talent than that. Maybe Seiji can bake a cake for Akashi, A Vanilla cake to be exact.

But he doesn't even know if Akashi do like Vanilla. He was sure he like it, But what about Akashi?

Maybe he should try and Ask Akashi's friends.

"But I don't have there number, only Midorima-san." Seiji murmur.

"Who's number?" Hiro ask as he heard Seiji murmur.

Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊

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