Part 34

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3rd person's pov

Akashi was now getting married today. He got up in the bed and saw that Seiji was still sleeping but Tetsuyana was gone. He start to panic a bit and look at the letter in the table.

Off to Visit our apartment need something. Don't look for me I'll be fine.


Akashi read this letter and crample it and throw it into the Trash Probably Tetsuyana is still mad at him about something that he can't figure out.

It didn't help to his frustration when he had a call from his father about The marrige that should be held and the party that is gonna happen in Akashi's house.

Akashi almost try to throw his cellphone but he suddenly stop hisself knowing Seiji was there still sleeping peacefully.

So Akashi held hisself and try to calm hisself down.

His friends and all said that they won't come to a wedding knowing That Akashi is forcefully getting married. They might do something unnecessary. Akashi was ok with that, but he do wish that they will show up for him to not feel a little bit lonely. He knows he is just getting married to help Seiji and also to help the Woman that he needed to married. Aoiyuki.

That girl must be in so much pain Marrying to him, a Person she didn't like at all. Akashi knows the feeling your marrying someone you don't like because thats what he felt. Pain,

He wanted to marry the person he likes the most. Don't care if society doesn't accept them, But for him this is love. And Money can't buy it.





When The Marrige begun, Akashi saw his father smirking which Akashi just ignore it.

"Seijuro, You are now getting married. Do your best." His father said. Akashi just nod and walk out against his father.

His father seems angry but like Akashi care.

When the Finally the marrige begun, Aoiyuki was crying not because she was happy getting married (because that what everyone thinks) but because she is marrying someone she doesn't like. If only there will be a miracle, A big Miracle that would happen to stop this wedding.

Before the suppose newly couple can say Yes to each other Kise showed.

"Stop te wedding!" Kise said panting very hard. Akashi was shock and look who the new guess arrive.

"Sei-cha can't marry that girl." Mayuzumi Chihiro said also panting.

"Yes, Akashi can't. Because he doesn't love that woman." Mubuchi Reo said.

"If... (Kise said still catching his breath but compose his Self) you will marry someone that it against your will is consider A sin! To both all of you and to yourself." Kise said.

"Tsk, Who are you fools to begin with?" Akashi's father sAid angrily.

"No matter what you say." Akashi said and smirk. "I won't marry someone I don't love, Do your worst father because Like The fucking hell I care. I don't care whatever you will do, Use your position and money to make my life worse I can take it because Marrying someone I don't like is more painful than what are you gonna do!" Akashi said as he glare at his father and run away and drag his Friends away from that place.

Aoiyuki smile, Her wish came true. "May your life became happy Seijuro-san.," aoiyuki thought. Aoiyuki then rip her weading dress and run away from that place too. Outside she saw her Boyfriend had a Car. Aoiyuki then disappeared.

Akashi on the other hand Talk to his friends for a bit and said that he needed to go home for a while and talk to his father.

Yes, His father was waiting in his house and they talk for a while that Akashi earn a slap from his father. But like Akashi care.

"Its either father you will accept me, or Either I run away and never gonna go back!" Akashi said.

His father can't let Akashi go because his already too old to marry someone again to make an heir and Akashi is the only one who is capable to continue the Akashi Legacy. If Akashi run aways, then his family Legacy will be ruin.

"Very well, Do as you please starting today. I don't care anymore, Do what ever you want, Beside your were never make me proud." His father said and walk out of the house.

Akashi was shock at that and was angry. He mess up his own office and everything. Even injured hisself when his accidentally touch the shattered glass.

It hurts that his father said that, Whole in his life he became a Puppet for them. He did everything to please his parents. He forget who he was for his parents. Try to erase hisself and make him there doll and yet thats Just his father is gonna Say.

It hurst him a lot.

Then he saw of all those mess up things in the floor was the picture of him and Tetsuya.

The picture of him and his beloved.

"Tetsuya..." Akashi call full of broken voice then tears came out from his eyes.

"Why? Why did you leave me?.... Pls.... Come Back... I need you... I need you..." Akashi said and burried his face towards his knees and cry until he will feel exhausted.

The next he woke up was he was in his bed, His injuries was all treated and everything was settle in.

"Are you awake?"

Akashi look at everything, with his headache too he saw Midorima was sitting in the edge of his Bed.

"I'm fine." Akashi said.

"Like I will believe that Akashi." Midorima said.

"Shintarou, I'm fine now. Thank you." Akashi said.

"Stop saying thank you, Its sucking the living day light out of me." Midorima said.

"Very well then." Akashi said.

"Yesterday we found you on your office after the wedding and after kise stop your wedding. Your bride disappeared, and according to your father he said he doesn't care about you anymore so do whatever you want." Midorima said.

"I know, He said that." Akashi said and look down giving a sad look.

"There." Midorima pointed a Tea set in the table.

"Tetsuyana and Seiji made it for you, said it will help you ease your mind a bit. Also Tetsuyana wanted to talk to you, She said she needed to tell you something important. " Midorima said.

"I guess she decided She will leave me huh.." Akashi murmur and got the tea in the table.

Midorima then stand up and walk towards the door. "I can assure you that she wont. You will both receive good news and Bad news for today. Congratulations in advance," midorima said and smile a little before closing the door.

Akashi was confuse a little but, The tea did help him settle a bit and cAlm him down.

"It was tasty and Has a Sweet aroma." Akashi said.


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