Part 10

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3rd person's pov

"When Akashi arrive at the Dinning room he sat down and next to him was Seiji. He inform the butlers and maid to prepare the dish and when it serve the maid and butlers put the dishes in the table.

"Here your dinner Akashi-sama. " the maid said and one butler said.

"Thank you for this beautiful Maid-san and butler-san." Seiji said and bow a little polite.

"Wwwaaaahhh! A ghost!" The two maid was scared and stumble back. They drop the tray and thw Butler to was startled. Seiji went next to the maid and held her.

"Are you ok? Miss beautiful maid-san? Sorry I starled you." Seiji said apologetic way.

"I'm also sorry if I startled you Mr. Butler-san," seiji bow politely.

"No-No... Its fine. I was just surprise your there." The maid said and stand up. Seiji grab the tray and hand it to the maids.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome Miss Beautiful Maid-san." Seiji said.

The maid blush. "Pls don't call me that."

Seiji tilt his head cutely and confuse.

"Akashi-sama, May I ask since when did he was there and who is he? perhaps he is your child? Considering he really looks like you." The butler ask Akashi.

"One, He is there with me all along. Two, He is not my Child. I just found him, since his parents is away his home alone so He would stay here for a couple of weeks until his parents came back. His name is Seiji." Akashi said.

"Nice to meet you." Seiji said and bow a little polite.

"Nice to meet you too." The butler said and bow at Seiji also the maid.

"From now on, Your going to treat this Child as you Mini-master." Akashi said as he pat Seiji's head.

"Pls Don't. I would much like if you treat me as normal Person. Its uncomfortable to treat me like I'm a prince or something." Seiji argue.

"Your like a prince Seiji-sama, Considering you look like Akashi-sama." The maid said.

"Pls Miss Beautiful maid-san, Call me just Seiji. I much prepare that. Pls." Seiji said begging.

The maid blush madly. "Pls don't call me that. Just call me Miwako-san is Fine." The maid said.

"Hai, Miwako-san." Seiji said being obidient.

"And pls call me Tsuki-san is fine." The Butler said.

"Hai, I'll make sure to remember." Seiji said.

"Your a well mannared kid, Your parents must be so proud of you." Miwako said.

"Yes They are." Seiji said.

"Any who, You should go and eat its already late." Miwako said.

"Hai." Seiji said and bow to Miwako then walk towards his sit. Akashi pat Seiji.

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