Part 26

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3rd person's pov

"But I don't have there number, only Midorima-san." Seiji murmur.

"Who's number?" Hiro ask as he heard Seiji murmur

Currently they are already leaving school, Walking towards the gate.

"Ahm... I wanted to bake Akashi-san a cake as a thank you for letting me stay with him, took care of me and everything he had done. But I don't know which specific cake would do. " Seiji said.

"Oh? You can ask his friends." Kyohei said.

"Well, I plan to, but I don't know there numbers. I only have midorima-san." Seiji said.

"Then you can email him." Taka said.

"Ok, I'll try to email Him." Seiji said.

"Look, what a cute Cat." Hiro said as he was pointing a cat infront of them. The cat was small, like maybe 5 weeks new born with white fur And baby blue eyes.

"Yeah, She is adorable." Kyohei said.

"Hai, I agreed." Seiji said as he observed the cat. But those blue eyes remind him od something more like someone. Remind him someone important in his life that he didn't visit quite a while. Usually he always visit him no matter what and brings him a single white roses.

But now he is enjoying his life too much that he forget about him visiting.

"Maybe I should visit." Seiji said.

"Visit who?" Taka ask.

"Ah, Wait!" Hiro said as the little cat run away across the street.

All of them follow the cat and Seiji was the last one. Then there's a car that heading towards him, He froze at his spot as he saw that. He then remember something bad.

Instead that it was just a Car, It became a big Track with white light.

"Seiji!" A familliar voice occur to him.

Taka pull seiji out of the track. The car just go and never stop to see if its ok. He went to check Seiji but Seiji was suddenly in a Shock mode, His expression was in shock and very pale. He too stop breathing.

"Seiji?" Taka called.

For seiji, His friends voice was no longer heard. What he heard was those ambulance sirence and he saw a scene he didn't wanted to see. A event that he did feel very2x guilty.

"Seiji! Are you ok?" Taka said, he notice that Seiji was in a shock state and doesn't even breath.

"Seiji!/Seiji-chan!" Hiro sand Kyohei called Seiji but it seems Seiji was far away.

His friends keep calling him, But it seems Seiji is in anxiety attacks. "Seiji, Wake up!" Taka said putting a hand on Seiji's cheeks.

"Wwwwaahh!" Seiji said as he fell down and cover his ears. Tears suddenly pour down from his eyes. What Seiji's seeing was an accident that happen. He is suffering from anxiety attack.

"Seiji snap out of it!" Taka said as he try to Shake Seiji, But Seiji keeps crying he start to burry hisself into Taka.

"What happen?" Kyohei said and was worried about seiji.

The next happen, Seiji was panting hard. Its like his catching air then follow by a rough Cough.

"Seiji!, Seiji!" Taka said full of worried.

"Guys, what are you doing here?" Niwako said as she saw her student near the school gates.

Hiro run towards Niwako.

"Sensei. Seiji is, Seiji is..."Hiro said as he was already Crying.

Niwako saw Seiji was in Taka's arm coughing badly. She was shock and immediately went to Taka.

"What happen?" Niwako ask as she held Seiji in her arms.

"Seiji was..." Taka said but was cut off when Seiji suddenly cough blood. Niwako's eyes widden.

"I'll bring him to Ninako-sensei." Niwako said as she immediately bring Seiji towards the School Clinic where Ninako was working. She was startled when he saw Niwako having Seiji in her arms.

"Ninako, Emergency." Niwako said.

"What happened?" Ninako ask.

"I don't know, Suddenly I found him with the other kids Coughing badly." Niwako said.

They set Seiji in the bed, Seiji was starting to lost his consciousness. His body feel pain, His body feel Numb, Very weak. His vision start to blury and the only thing he can hear was his own coughing.

"We need to bring him to the hospital." Ninako said.

"Ok, Theres a hospita near by lets go," niwako said as they bring Seiji towards the hospital.

With this Seiji was immediately send towards the emergency room.


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Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊

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