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3rd person's pov

Takao was on duty as a nurse in the hospita and was surprise when some familiar people went there and ask for emergency. Takao's eyes widen when he saw the one who needs help. He quickly went to the aid and saw it was worst.

Blood is non stop coming out from Seiji's mouth even his already nearly lossing consciousness.

Takao sent Seiji towards the Emergency Room and call Midorima after.

Niwako and the kids waited for 5 hours exactly after Takao went to talk to them.

"Ale, your one of Akashi's Friends. Takao-san right?" Kyohie said as he recognized Takao since he also come to the Castle and play together with them and Seiji.

"Yes I am." Takao said. He look at Niwako. "Your Niwako sensei right? Seiji's homeroom teacher." Takao said.

"Hai, i am." Niwako said.

"I'm so glad you brought Seiji to our Hospita. Good Thing I was on duty so thus Dr.Midorima too." Takao said.

"Is he gonna be ok?" Niwako ask worriedly.

"For now he is fine." Takao said.

Niwako and the kids sigh in relief.

"Though, Can you tell us what exactly happen?" Takao said.

"Sure." Niwako said and nod the kids nod too.

Takao assist them towards the Office of Midorima. He inform them that he will be right back.

After waithing for 10 minutes Takao came back to see Niwako and the kids.

"Sorry to make you wait. Dr. Midorima will be here soon enough." Takao said.

"Your not the one who's gonna ask Questions?" Kyohei said.

"Nope, Shin-chan is te doctor so he should be the one who will ask the Questions." Takao said.

"But seriously, Is Seiji fine? Is he doing Ok?" Taka ask.

"He is currently safe. His in a deep sleep currently," takao said.

"Uhm, Can you pls notify akashi-san about this. I don't have my phone currently." Niwako said.

"I'll make sure to tell Akashi about it, First lets wait for Dr.Midorima." Takao said.

And then 10 minutes after Midorima came in that Office.

"Hows Seiji?" Niwako ask.

"His fine currently, But... what happened today might happen again so he will be temporarily stay in the hospita for a couple of weeks to be monitored, Though I want to know what Happened to him?" Midorima ask.

"Well..." The kids started to explain what happen.

"We just don't know what Make Seiji froze." Taka said.

"Hm~ Its look like he suffer an Anxiety Attack" midorima said.

"But I thought AnXiety Attacks just you got shock then Pass out or something, Am I wrong?" Niwako ask.

"Your right, But Incase of Seiji he had A Bradycardia. Means a slow hearybeat. Once he stop breathing, It was hard for his heart to pump again therefore it became more slower. But when he inhale oxygen its hard for him to breath since his heart suddenly goes rapid because of the anxiety. His heart is gonna pump too much blood to the lungs which the lungs will force it out towards the mouth, and as it continues. Good thing we manage to stop it." Midorima said.

"He will be ok Right?" Niwako said.

"Yes he will. " midorima said.

"Thats good to hear." Niwako said.

"Yeah, When can we visit Seiji?" Kyohei ask.

"We call you if when." Midorima said.

"Ok." They said.

After some few discussions, Niwako decided to take the other kids home.

"You did left an important detail Shin-chan." Takao said once the others left the office.

"How can I tell them? The kids are listening as well, I can't tell them about that." Midorima said.

"But will you tell Akashi?" Takao said as he pointed Midorima's phone in the table.

"Maybe..." midorima said.

He then grab his phone and dialed the number of Akashi.

Akashi on the other hand as soon as he received the call from Midorima he immediately went towards the hospita and visit seiji.

What he found out was Seiji is in the hospital bed, With an IV in his right hand, a mask in his face and Seiji's complexion wasn't good at all.

"Seiji...." Akashi said and gently touch Seiji's cold hands so softly. Akashi was now very worried.

His worried with no reason,

Well Seiji for pass few weeks which its already been a month went to Stay at Akashi's heart.

Lets just say Akashi treat Seiji as His own son. 

"Akashi?" Midorima called.

"He he gonna be fine?" Akashi ask.

"Yes he will, as long as we will monitor him truly." Midorima said. "Though I don't know when he will wake up." Midorima said.

"What do you mean?" Akashi ask.

"He suffer from Anxiety Attacks. What ever he saw that cause him his anxie did damage his brain and heart. During the operation..... His heart beat stop for 6 seconds." Midorima said. Akashi was shock with that.

"Good thing we manage to bring it back, But I can't be sure to you that this anxiety attack will not happen again. " Midorima said.

"Then we better keep an eye on him." Akashi said.

"Akashi? Do you really care about this child?" Midorima ask.

"Yes, I do Shintarou. At First I just wanted to help him because he needed help but Right now.... I want to help him because I want to. This child, Is like my own son already." Akashi said.

"I know that. I care for the kid too, even he is stubborn when it comes to medicine he is a well innocent child who have this Unforgivable Sickness." Midorima said.


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