Part 32

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3rd person's pov

As Days goes by, Akashi was slowly becoming Soft because of The two Kids he just randomly adopted. Though Seiji was the one who make him soft and Tetsuyana was the one who's making him a bit of serious. Tetsuyana is an adult like kid.

And Seiji was just a Normal kid.

Akashi when Watching this Two play together in the garden or Sometimes they brought there friends over and play more, Though Tetsuyana was the one who shows being Superior and all.

Currently Akashi was in his office, He was doing his work when he look at the back, there was a glass window and you can see the Garden filled with flowers.

There was Kise, Aomine, Kyohei, koyuki Hiro, Taka, Seiji and Tetsuyana all together playing.

Akashi smile at the scene. Its looks like they were enjoying them selves.

Seiji and the rest on the other hand was walking through the garden.

"Seijicchi, What flower do you like?" Kise said.

"White roses." Seiji immediately answer.

"Why?" Kise ask.

"Because mom like them very much and, White roses symbolize for peace, pure, and Soft." Seiji said and give a soft smile.

"Speaking of White roses, When Akashi first found you he said that you were carrying a single White roses, why is that?" Aomine ask.

"Ah, That. I was visiting someone very very important that he too like white roses. But currently I didn't visit him that often too. But I will visit him some other time. I just wish he will wake up soon." Seiji said and look at the sky.

All of them notice the sad look Seiji is giving, So thus Tetsuyana too. "Me too, I wish he will wake up." Tetsuyana said.

Taka then Kick Aomine's knees. "Look what you did old man, You made The twins Sad." Taka said.

"Why You Brat! Like I'm the one who made him sad! Kise was the one who brought the topic in the first place!" Aomine said.

"I was just curioussu, I didn't know it will turn up something like this!" Kise try to defend himself.

"Tsk Both of you are idiots!" Taka said as he was about to Kick kise too but stop by Aomine.

"You know your a spoiled brat!" Aomine said.

"I'm not a Brat! You ugly Old-" Taka said but between Aomine and Taka theres a flying Scissor that now Was stuck in a tree. Aomine and taka look at the Scissor which they pale and look back at Tetsuyana who is giving them an Evil Smirk, She too was holding a Scissors.

"Next time I won't miss." She said and throw the Scissors once again.

"I don't wanna die!" They both said and run away from the flying Scissors.

All of them start laughing even Seiji at Aomine and Taka's reactions.

Now they went towards the kitchen and cook with Murasakibara.

"You guys know how to bake a Cake?" Murasakibara ask the twins.

"Are you sure your Twins though?" Aomine ask.

"We are, Our gap is 6 minutes." Tetsuyana said.

"She's older 6 minutes." Seiji said as he pointed at Tetsuyana.

"Yes I am." Tetsuyana said proudly.

"No wonder he calls you Nee-san,  but you know you two Don't look alike at all. You two are completely the Opposite." Murasakibara said.

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