Dear Diary

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Pearl's POV:

I was wandering the streets and I came across a sad foggy meadow. The are around here has been getting horrible, the weather being one if the reasons. I love this small New York town, but I couldn't help but feel... I don't know what the word is, just sad. I walked across the dirty concrete one foot in front of the other. Today I was going to do it. I was going to tell Violet how- I was interrupted from my thoughts when I tripped over something, tumbling to the ground. "Ow." I exclaimed. Barely anyone was ever out on the streets anymore. When no one stopped to help I rolled my eyes and picked my self up. I looked down and saw a tattered leather book. That must have been how I tripped. I picked it up and walked to my destination. The coffee shop where Violet worked.
A faint ding of a bell arose when I pulled the door open. "Hey, Vi." I waved in her direction. "Hi!" She chirped removing the gloves she had been wearing. "What can I get you?" She asked me placing her hands in the counter. "Nothing, I was just wondering..." I was nervous. What would she say? "Wondering If what? Pearl you know it annoys me when people just stop talking for no reason." She playfully rolled her eyes. "I wanted to talk, if your boss will let you off?" I looked into the supply room where I assumed her boss was. "Hey, Max!" She shouted burying her apron. "Yes?" A soft accent filled the room as a petite figure followed the sound. "Do you mind if I take the day of?" Violet asked as if she knew "Max" would let her anyway. "Of course darling," Max said to her with a large grin. "No one really visits anymore. People slowly began evacuating the town and I to this day don't know the reason. Its not like we'd have a big set of people I would need help with." She said sadly ending her sentence with a sigh. I couldn't help but feel bad for her. Of course such a sweet person like her would own a coffee and sweets shop. "Thank you!" Violet said placing the apron on a rack. "What's happening out here?" A voice came from what I knew as the woman's bathroom. "Darling, Violet is taking the day off." Mac said to the blonde who had come. "Oh?" She raised an eyebrow and turned to me. "You must be Pearl! Little Violet talks so much about you!" She said giving Violet a side hug. I could help but laugh. "Good things I hope." I replied holding out my hand, which she took. "I'm Miss. Fame."  She said with a smile. "Miss?" I asked her in a questioning tone. "Is that your first name?" I rose my eyebrow the same way she had previously done. "Of course, dear!" Max intercepted. Okay... she basically shoved us out the door with Fame's help, and before being shut out I heard Fame yell, "Have fun on your date!" Which of course, made Violet blush. I wasn't gonna lie, it was cute. "So I found this book in the middle of the sidewalk." I said reaching towards the hard back leather journal. "Seems to be quite expensive, seeing as its real leather. Whoever lost it could very well be looking for it." She pointed out. "Yeah,wanna read and see who it belongs to?" I asked hoping to have found a friends diary. "Go for it." She looked at me and then the book. "Okay..." I said opening the cover. The page read,
             Dear Diary,
It had been long since something like this had happened. I didn't expect it again. I thought we were free if that crisis,but alas, another small town in western New York has been
influenced by that of California. This is a mysterious case, as I haven't figured out what had been happening. Close friends of mine have been tortured, rumored to be dead, missing, or evacuated. A friend if mine called Adore had just wrote to me via text that her closest acquaintance, Bianca Del Rio, had gotten into a car accident. The doctors still haven't found the other driver, and its unusual that there will have been another person out, especially at an hour like the one it took place. The car that had crashed into hers was untouched, not a scratch. There was no driver, and it was brand new. Mysteries keep popping us and I am here with no reasoning and its killing me. I've spoke to ghosts, physics, and even therapists for the slightest hint as to what is going on in this town. There is nothing anywhere, and as a paranormal activist, I plan to find out what is going on. A very close friend of mine is currently hunting down any information from residents of the precinct. There is still so many plot holes and loose ends. It isn't fair for the people here to live under these circumstances, but life is fair, because it's unfair to everyone. So why did these girls deserve it?
"Who's 'S.N'?" Violet gazed at me with her brown eyes. "I don't know, but I have a feeling we will find out." I looked down at the book before closing it. Both mine and Violets eyes widened as a familiar voice screeched in terror. "TRIXIE!" We exclaimed at the same time before running hand in hand to the direction of where we heard our friend scream.

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