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Adore's POV:

I was seated in front of the camera I had found in that box a bit back. I had started a you tube channel because I was bored one day. I turned it on and looked at the camera with my bag of Taco Bell. "I am so freaking excited to do this video, you guys do not understand." I exclaimed moving my hands around. "For those of you guys who know me personally, you know that I am a Taco Bell fanatic, I mean-" I said, moving my hands to show-off my taco bell top. "Seriously." I said, sticking my arms up in the air in the air. "But yeah, I um, asked you guys on Twitter, to ask me questions," I explained picking up my phone and opening Twitter. "And I'm gonna just go through all of them while eating this deliciousness!" I pointed to the large bag of Taco Bell that sat next to me. "And, just tell you about my day, because I had a really... eventful day today." I said, laughing at myself, picking my phone up again. "uh, yeah so," I looked up from my phone and into the camera. "LET'S GET RIGHT INTO IT!!!" I shouted, smiling at the camera. "Alright..." I grabbed the large Taco Bell order from the left of me, but it shown on the right to the camera. "So my taco bell near me, always does this cute little shit with it's's um, I don't know, I think that might be the chips." I said ripping the bag open and pulling out a bag. "I got so much stuff you guys!um, I got everything Vegetarian," I said pulling out more food. Courtney had some how gotten me to be a vegetarian. "of course, I know it's different in everybody's, um, area, but over here where I live, you can substitute anything with beans." I pulled out more food from the bag. "So that's pretty cool, I'm getting a work out unpacking all this." I said, dumping out what had been left in the bag. I unwrapped my straw by banging it on the table. "A bunch of crazy shit happened, when I went on my jog, because it's west Hollywood." I said putting the straw in my cup of berry blast whatever. "It's always crazy here, oh this is melted!" I was mixing the drink with my straw. "My friends used to make fun of the way I say melted, instead of melted I used to say milted- mmm." I sipped from the cup. "That is so dangerous! I got cheesy fiesta potatoes, I got two bean and cheese burritos with no onion," I listed every thing I had gotten from Taco Bell, picking it up after saying its name. "bitttttttch when I tell you, today-mmmm" I was about to start complaining when I took a bite of my burrito. "I go jogging, I take my fair share of jogs." I said, continuing to eat my food. "Wait, hold on- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ricee." I said, dipping the bean and cheese burrito in a bowl of rice. "See!" I moved it closer to the camera. I continued explaining how weird my day had been. "-but this time, girrrllll-" I took a large bite from my burrito. I wiped my mouth with the provided napkins. "I went jogging, and I always go up the same route, right? It's like, by John and Bianca's house." I moved my hand in the direction of Bianca's old place that Laganja and Gia had somehow moved into. 'We all live like, kind of the same area," I opened a pouch of hot sauce. "but, I jog down to where it's not too crazy crazy, but there's always those crazies that go into those neighborhoods, and they're like, just like drinkin' and bein' crazy. Well, this time, I was running back and I had a couple dollars in my pocket, I was running back, and I passed by the liquor shop near my house on the corner to get water. I stopped by the liquor store on my wayyyyyyyyyyyy home! Because I'm a huge drinker.As I'm paying for my water, this guy pretends to rob the store, bitch. Mhhmm oh yeah." I clapped my hands together after finishing a burrito. "like- pretends to straight up rob the liquor store." I threw some trash in the Taco Bell bag and continued to talk about the crazies, not only in Hollywood, but also Azusa. I grabbed my cheesy potatos and shoved it into the camera lens. "Cheesy potatoes, bitch, they look like that." I then talked about the different kinds of Taco Bells. Like, those people in the UK, UK Taco Bell sucks, I feel bad for everyone there. I talked more about my odd experience, and then shoved more food, recommending it to viewers. "I've been writing a lot of music lately, I'm gonna write a song about this." I swallowed my food and pointed to the Taco Bell meal that had been in my hand. I then decided to answer fan questions soon, after once again talking about how horrible UK Taco Bell tasted. I had to finish most of my food before answering questions, but I still answered them anyways, and when I got one about cats, I talked about cats. I told the camera that I had wanted to get another cat, but maybe in my new place when I move out. I then talked about how I enjoyed horror movies like, Friday the 13th and Halloween. "Halloween will forever be my favorite, favorite, horror film." I took a huge bite from my next food item, which was my second burrito. "I'm never afraid of ghosts, I welcome spirits, as long as they're nice to me. They can eat my leftovers, they can eat with me." I continued talking about that for a bit. "I'm not afraid of ghosts, I'm afraid of people." I said, pulling out my phone. I ended the video making some pretty spot on impressions of Courtney, if I do say so myself.

A/N: A nice Adore chapter to brighten the mood :) 

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