RuPaul's POV:
I was waiting for the new girls to arrive. The first 6 were licked upstairs in their rooms. Michelle is making sure they don't escape. I would have to deal with some issues, later on. For instance, Bianca and Adore have been close since they first came here. A little too close. At least, too close for my liking. So one might not make it. It's as simple as that. Allies make my life harder.
From the safety of my security room, I watched as Bianca came in. More girls followed shortly after. I noticed that Bianca looked quite annoyed, with more emotions that I couldn't actually read, and I'm a great reader. She seemed to be less annoyed when Courtney Act walked in, but still looked like she was hating life. (A/N: I relate Bianca, that's me at school) Maybe one of these girls were allergic to feathers. It's likely. Perfect, the next challenge will be a pillow fight photo shoot. Barely any girls did great, most were okay. ish. Anyways, I chose a 'winner' also known as, the one who would not die for sure today. I was going to have a runway, as well, just like yesterday. Almost no one had good fashion sense, so Bianca Del Rio won that challenge. Now was the lip sync.
"You girls, are safe." My voice echoed around the room, showing that I was superior. What they didn't know was that they were not safe from elimination in a competition, but from death. "Magnolia Crawford." I looked across the room at the girl who showed least talent, and failed in most categories. Better luck next time- oh wait. "You may now, Sashay Away." She sadly nodded, and I saw tears escape from her eyes. Girl, you act like everyone else is dying in front of you. You are the next victim, not them! She exited the stage, and when no one payed attention, I followed behind. She was writing her message on the board, and seemed to notice I was behind her. She showed me a scare expression through the glass, as I lifted my knife. I was about to plunge it in, when she turned around. "What are you doing?" She asked me, her voice small, and out of breath. I smiled at her. "Nothing that should worry you. Last words?" She looked at me, eyes wide. "No? Okay." I pushed the blade into her chest.
Luckily, no one had noticed when I drug the body of Magnolia Crawford to the golden room. I got away with it again. Great. I shuffled around the empty halls, my pocket knife missing. I must have set it down in the closet, while dragging the body into the room. I shrugged it off and headed to bed.
3rd Person POV:
Unsuspecting queens rested in the room in which were assigned. The girls would reunite with the others from different days tomorrow. It was a big day. Vivacious would not expect her murder. Adore would be in shock tomorrow when she realizes the bloody knife used to kill two of the close friends to some competitors is under the table at her station. What happened to Adore when she found the knife? Only Ru knows, and Adore can't even explain it to herself. You wouldn't try if something haunting like that happened to you, now would you? twelve queens remain. Only one will win. What's going to happen to the other 13? How many will survive? Who actually dies? Who will be in A.S? What if no one makes it? Vivacious can't begin to understand the room she stumbled upon when hunting for Ornacia, but then again, could you?
SleepWalker ~rpdr Female AU
Fanfiction"my love, my life, my loss,-" "WAIT!" Everyone turned to the large doors that had just been pushed open. And the figure who pushed them was none other than Sharon Needles. And for the first time, she was the only one wearing white. These queens lea...