Day 7, Herpes.

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Trixie's POV:

Katya and I had been sitting in my bed for the past couple hours. I was truly sorry about what I had done, and I have made Katya know this. I think she believes me, seeing as every day she tells me she loves me. She had recently been diagnosed with herpes by the doctor near the grave yard. I was getting up to grab something for her to eat, because I couldn't stand when she looked how she did. She had Herpe sores all down her body, and though she claimed she was fine and joked about it, I had forced her to stay in bed. I could live a life without her, and I wasn't going to. "Trix, really I'm perfectly fine!" She said when I opened the door with a bowl of whatever it was that I found in her fridge, I seriously don't know how she eats- whatever this gunk is but she likes it. "I don't care if you feel fine, you look horrible. Now eat this food." I said handing her the bowl. "gee thanks," she said taking a bite. "Ya know, this is that bowl of nachos from the last time you came over." She said and I snatched the bowl from her hands. "I'll be back after I get you something that isn't old and unhealthy." "Awe..." She mumbled as I walked down the stairs to her kitchen. I saw some old Russian plates hung on the wall that I hadn't noticed before. I assumed she would not want to eat off of that, so I grabbed a red plate from the shelves above the sink. I opened the fridge door and mixed whatever I could find that she could actually eat. I ended up making her an attractive looking sandwich if I do say so myself, and headed back up the stairs to her bedroom. I opened the door and saw her watching a show. "what are you watching?" I asked handing her the plate. "Contact." She told me. "You have an unhealthy obsession with that movie." I told her taking my original spot next to her on the red silk sheets. "And you wear an unhealthy amount of make up, Brenda." She responded grabbing the sandwich I had created. "You seem as if you don't want me here, Barbara." I said standing up jokingly. "NO I LOVE YOU AND YOUR FOOD!" She yelled at me with food in her mouth. I rolled my eyes and sat back down grabbing the remote and turning off the TV. "HEY!!" She shouted at me. "Sorry, but you need rest." I said grabbing the empty plate and setting it on her dark wooden night stand on the side of the bed where I was seated. "Alright, but your staying here." She told me pulling the blanket over herself and hugging my waist. "Good night." I said flicking off the lamp next to me. "Love you." She said dozing off.

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