All went to Heaven, All of the Legends

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Fame's POV:

Bianca had been Dead and Alive again twice now? I'm not exactly understanding what's going on here, and I was experiencing it first hand. This means Tatianna had sacrificed herself for Bianca. Bianca looked up at the room squinting her eyes in pain, I mean I would too if I had just came back from being sliced down the neck. Adore covered her mouth with a hand and slowly walked towards Bianca, not fully believing she had actually come back to life, because the last time this had happened, she had only gone back to death. "hey, chola." Bianca breathed out, and Adore ran up and hugged her. Max started crying talking about how cute it had been and hugged my side. I kissed her forehead and watched as Shangela and Dela stood in the corner making out. "Looks like someone had too much to drink," I mumbled and motioned to the corned of the room, Max let out a laugh and asked me, "Do you think Pearl and Vi are okay?" "I don't know, but I hope so, I sure do hope." I whispered back hugging her once more. I saw Alyssa just standing ther with her mouth touching the ground and Cort and Willam stood ther side hugging each other with faces of true love. Adore looked down at Bianca, which was quite amusing seeing as she was so short but much older than a lot of us. The told her something, and Bianca had weakly nodded, and they were off somewhere. Though Bianca hadn't left without making a joke about Laganja, the night was peaceful, sweet, and memorable, exept for the fact that some demon had possessed Tatianna, but she was a strong girl- She could fight it, right? She had to. Maybe Sharon knew what could be done to fix everything and bring back what our happy town would have been and used to be.

A/N: expect shorter chapters around this time, whatever time it is for you because it's getting late here for me. Also expect 2 or more chapters daily!! If there are any suggestions I'll take them, and I am going to have a sequel if this one ends because I love writing it ♡♡

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