Loosing hope

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Pearl's POV:

Violet and I were going to go on a vacation in Hawaii yesterday, but I forgot to pack, so we are going tomorrow. This time, Violet made sure I wouldn't forget. I am sitting in on room floor with a large leopard print suitcase that he had lent to me, stuffing it with random things I found. A sketchbook with Vladonna on the cover, a comic titled 'Roxanne the fashion queen', makeup, clothes and all the good stuff like snacks- I wasn't inviting Jasmine even if she had good food. Violet walked into my room with a leopard jumpsuit, matching the suitcases she had gotten, and black heels. "Ready?" She asked looking around the room. "Yeah, I just need to get dressed." I told her as she exited the room, closing the door. I put on a long pink flowy skirt, a white lace top, a white jacket, and some white shoes. I quickly did my hair and added some necklaces to my look. I grabbed my suitcase and dragged it along the bumpy stairs. Violet was waiting for me in the car, so while stepping out of the door I grabbed a pair of dark shaded sun glasses and walked out the door, making sure to lock it. Violet was driving in her car, and I was sat in the passenger's seat. I pulled out the sketch book and began to draw what came to my mind. I decided to draw Violet, seeing as she was the one person I remembered exactly from memory- how could I forget those eyes. Upon arrival, I had eaten a bag of Doritos, 2 lunchables, and a banana. Violet had had whatever she brought, and we were now having Starbucks waiting for our flight to be called. This short portly woman with firey red hair walked along the airport halls over and over again. She had been wearing the uniform, so she was obviously a flight attendant here, at Glamazonian Airways. Our flight had been called, so Violet and I stood up and waited in the line to hop aboard. We were seated next to each other, on the left, near the front of the plane. The woman from earlier stood in the front with a microphone. "If you wanna stay safe, you gotta do what mama says." She announced to the crowd. Apparently, old woman who work on planes like to get dates on their flights. "In the event of a water landing, there's only one thing you better do," She looked directly at Violet and made a face. "And let's have no misunderstanding, none of us is gonna wait for you." She explained, still giving Violet dirty looks. "You better use this packet as a flotation device, or else you'll drown." She said holding up a packet, making a 'sorry not sorry' face. The plane started speeding upwards and Violet screamed, hugging me. "This is only a test!" The woman announced, flipping her hair behind her shoulder, allowing me to read her name tag. It said, 'Ginger Minj'. She left the isle and went into a room in the back, probably getting those nasty plane snacks. She walked back down seconds later carrying what I had thought she was getting. "Hi everybody," She announced waving a bag of peanuts. "I'm here to tell you to put up your... tray tables." She said looking around. She pointed to a man at the back of the plane. "Put up your tray," She said then turned to an elderly couple and pointed at them. "Put up your tray tables." She continued pointing to random passengers saying "Put up your, put up your, put up your, put up your tray... PLEASE." She walked up to where Violet and I were. I had the window seat. "Put it up now!" She shouted to Violet, and then turned to me. "Put up yours," She said and then walked back to get her snack rolly thingy that I didn't quite know the name to. She handed out something to every passenger and stopped my me and yelled, "Well, must I tell you not to fart!" I looked at Violet confused, knowing I hadn't farted. Violet looked back at me, also confused. The woman let out a loud cackle and grabbed a bag of peanuts tossing them at Violet's face. "I'm allergic." Violet said picking them up and handing them to the woman. "I ain't your drag mom!" She established, walking back to the passengers at the back. I handed Violet some chips that I had sneakily brought onto the plane and grabbed the nuts, Tossing them, making sure they hit Minj in the face. "GET THOSE NUTS OUT OF MY FACE!" She screeched, allowing Violet and I to let out a fit of laughter.

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