12 Days of Death, Day 1

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A/N: this takes place at the same time as the chapter where Adore found Dela and Cracker, it leads up to the last one

Violet's POV:
I was seated in my apartment watching the news when the most shocking, unexpected story popped up. "Coco Montrese, found dead outside of fellow worker, Tatianna's office. Investigators are questioning Alaska 5000, Alyssa Edwards, and Tatianna, herself." The reporter said looking down at a script every now and then. How did Coco die? Why would they blame Tati and Alaska? I can see Alyssa, but if I'm being honest she's kind of too dumb to do that and not be caught immediately, so it obviously wasn't her, she would've told everyone she knew, and even little kids off the street. I decided to call Pearl because I was bored. "Sup" she said into the phone, and her mouth was directly on the speaker, my ears were seriously busted from that. "Get your mouth further away before you break both my ears." I told her annoyed. Classic Pearl decided to use that to flirt with me. "But, Vi! I thought you liked when my lips were near you." I could literally hear her pouting. "Pearl," I sighed. "Want to come over, In bored." "Insert Lenny face here," she mumbled. "Yeah, on my way." And with that, she hung up. I walked to my fridge and pulled out some brownies Max had given me earlier today during my shift. Surprisingly, pearl was here by the time I popped the chocolate treat in the microwave. I walked to the door and pulled Pearl into a hug. "Well, hi there." She said hugging back. "I have brownies!" I told her pulling them out of the microwave placing the glass pan on the bar. "Wow, how haven't you popped your corset yet?" She asked me sarcastically, but I still took it offensive. I had a gaping hole where my mouth should have been and Pearl just started laughing. "Rude." I mumbled under my breath taking a fork and handing it to her. She gladly took it and dug in. "Max is really good cook, ya know." She told me, her face stuffed with food. "Ew, Pearl!" I yelled at her. "What?" She asked, though with the brownie in her mouth it came out more as "Hu wha Ta" I made a face signaling I didn't approve of her childish behaviour, and moved over to sit on the couch. She eventually sat by me and grabbed a blanket that was originally hung across the back cushions of the black leather sofa we were seated on. She draped over top of her and curled into me. I rolled my eyes, blushing and looked at her closed eyes. Why was she so beautiful?

Pearl's POV:
You know when your half asleep and half awake? That was me everyday, but especially right now. I was tiered ever since- okay, ever, but I was about to fall asleep on Violet's couch. I curled up into the covers and felt her petting my hair. Oh, so I'm a dog to her now. I didn't mind it, really, I just didn't understand why she was doing it. I heard a faint whisper, from a voice that I recognized as Violet saying 3 words that changed my life. "I love you," and then I fell into the black hole we call sleep.

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