Day 3, Don't Lie to Me

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Katya's POV:

I had forgiven Trixie 3 days ago, but I don't know if I can still fully trust her. She cheated on me with SHANGELA. She promised me over and over again that she was drunk and didn't mean to, but I guess its hard to gain my trust. It's not something everyone has, it will have. Trixie was currently using the bathroom in my home, I wanted to trust her, I just couldn't. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some nachos. I threw the cheese in the microwave and sat on the counter waiting impatiently. Trixie came downstairs right as the timer on the microwave oven went off. "Hey, look, I know you still don't trust me, even if we are good now," Trixie told me rubbing her arm. I just couldn't hate her- not even if she murdered me. Because I loved her. I walked towards her, and looked into her deep blue eyes. "You know I love you," I whispered to her and leaned in filling the couple of inches in between us, she leaned in too. She pulled away, "I love you too," She told me looking down. "Don't lie to me..." I said changing the dire toon I had been looking. "I know you just want me to feel better." I sighed. "No," I heard her voice say dire ting my attention back to her eyes. "I'd jump off a cliff if you did." She told me. "I'd stab whoever hurt you, Katya. I'd stab myself if I hurt you that much, just let me love you." She said sadness oozing from her mouth. "I won't lie to you,  it hurt, but Trixie, you could never hurt me as much as I hurt myself." I told her, returning my lips to the warm spot they once were at on her's.

A/N: Doing a collab with @VioletLiaison called 'Ru-dunnit' Do check that out when it comes! Another short chapter, but hey, I update a lot lmao

SleepWalker ~rpdr Female AUWhere stories live. Discover now