Day 4, Renewal

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Sharon's POV:

I had brought Aquaria to my home almost a week ago, and at first she thought the place was creepy- like most people, but she liked me taste in decor, so I didn't have a problem with her. "Hey?" Aquaria walked into my office where I had been tracking down information in my files, trying to find the reason behind the deaths and evacuations here. "Yes?" I looked up at her setting my elbows on the desk. "Have you ever had someone you love so much... but you can't be with them?"

I was outside at Alaska's party. I had just realized how much I actually cared for her, but I couldn't tell her, I valued our friendship way more than I needed to be with her. At least that's what I thought. The truth was I needed her as more than a friend. I needed her. I threw my finished cigarette at the ground and sat on the ground my back against the wall. "Sharon?" I looked at the door and saw the most beautiful girl in the world. "Alaska." I said blankly staring into her eyes' nervous expression. "Look, I know you may not feel the same way," she explained to me sitting near me on the ground. "But I like you- in more than a friendly manner." She told me looking down. "I like you too," I said holding up her chin and staring into her now hopeful eyes. "Really?" She asked me quietly, which I responded to with a nod. I ended up kissing her, and it just felt right. "Best birthday ever." She told me with a huge grin that melted my already dead inside heart.

3 years later she hooked up with Phi Phi, and I haven't seen her since I fled the cafe where I had found out. I want to love her, in fact I already still do, but she obviously had her feelings of me replaced by those of Phi Phi. I couldn't see how she liked her, or even stood her as a human. "Alaska and Phi Phi, I guess I'm happy for you." I remembered saying before I cried my self to sleep. The truth was I wasn't. I still loved Alaska and I always will. Feelings don't just disappear, no matter how hard I tried, I still needed her.

"Yes," I told aquaria feeling tears come out of my eyes. "I'm sorry I asked, I just -" she tried to tell me. "I understand," I said trying trying to smile through the pain. "Do me a favor kid," I told her and she nodded. "Tell whoever you like that you love them- because you won't be able to do that forever." "But, I can't" she said "I can't tell someone I love them if they are dead." She said crying. "Yes, you can." I said, "As long as you believe they love you back."

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