Go ahead and burn, Go take your turn

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Violet's POV:
Pearl and I cut our trip short and are going home today. Oh, how I dreaded this trip. I put loose items in my bag and watched as Pearl gracefully did her makeup. She was the most beautiful person I've ever seen. I leaned my chin against my hand and just watched her for a bit. I noticed her eyes darting from her eyes to me in the mirror. "Like what you see?" She asked me, using the most overused puck up line ever. "Yup." I told her lying on the bed. She rolled her eyes and set her face with powder before putting her cosmetics in the makeup bag she carried. She walked over to my spot on the bed and put her suitcase on the sheets. She delicately placed each item that had previously been removed from the storage bag. I smiled at her, getting one back in return. "C'mon, Vi, don't want to be late now do we?" She questioned, wrapping an arm around her purse and heading to the door. I picked up my baggage and walked over to the door with her. We walked out next to each other, holding both our hands and luggage. We hopped into a taxi and speeded off to the airport. We got to the airport, luckily not the same one that we recently traveled with, and headed to the metal detectors. After a long wait, and getting a castigate from an employee about my makeup (she clocked me for too much eyeliner, honestly, girl go hang with Trixie or Bianca, then try and come for me) we were off. Pearl and I sat next to each other on the ride, per usual, and this time, I had the window seat. Luckily the plump red head hadn't worked here as well, or else, we'd be screwed. About 20 minutes into the ride, I felt the weight on my shoulder increase. I turned to my right and saw Pearl sleeping peacefully, her head resting in my shoulder. I smiled, then looked down towards the direction of a small bird that had been flying beside the plane. I watched sadly as the dark feathered raven got sucked into the engine. It was a painful sight. As soon as the bird had flown in, a tall woman with hair as dark as the bird's feathers approached me and took the seat directly behind mine. I turned around and waved, earning a smile from her in return.

After sitting around for about two maybe three hours, Pearl still silently resting her head on my shoulder, I turned to face the dark haired woman. "Hey, I'm Violet." I spoke to her, reaching my hand over th awfully uncomfortable seats. She laughed, shaking my hand, and I took it back. "Raven," She told me. As I got a closer look, she had a small beauty mark on the right of her face, close to being directly under her small but stunning eyes. She wore a nude tone lipstick with slightly darker liner. After getting in my normal position in my seat, I had gotten a text from a number U have yet to save as a contact, "I love you"

I stared in awe at the message and picked up Pearl's phone, searching to see if she had the number saved. I found it belonged to someone who's name seemed to be 'Raja' so I texted them back. "Look, I think you have the wrong number, this is Violet Chachki " and sat still looking at the illuminating light of my phone, waiting for an answer. I finally got one and read it in my head. "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was someone else's number, thanks, Violet!" Wow whoever this girl was, she had great texting grammar, where as Pearl would have typed in "o sorry Vi thought this waz someone else" in attempt to make the text message shorter. The plane passengers had been told that we would be landing anytime now, so I began to place my belongings in the bag I carried here, repeating the steps with Pearl's, though she wouldn't have much out, seeing as she slept for over half the ride home.  When the plane came to a landing, I nudged Pearl, carefully trying to wake her up. To my surprise, (not) she hadn't gotten up, so I once again wasted a cool drink on waking the girl up. "EXCUSE ME!" She shouted, causing us to get weird and unwanted looks from other passengers. I looked at Pearl, embarrassed by her words, and helped her dry off. "Sorry, we are about to land." I told her, sliding my hand which had been placed in the sleeve of a large sweater down her wet cheek. She rolled her eyes playfully and removed the white sheer cardigan that had been placed over her light shades of an outfit.

Exiting the plane, I received a tap on the shoulder. I turned around quickly, remembering the baton incident, and luckily, this time, I had Pearl by my side. I saw the girl that sat behind us on the plane, also known as Raven. She leaned in close to Pearl and me, then began to whisper. "I don't think you understand what's set out for you in the future." Then disappeared. It wasn't until Pearl and I had finished looking at each other with shocked expressions, that I realized, she hadn't disappeared. She shrunk, and I knew this because in her spot on the floor, was a dark feathered raven, wings as dark as her hair, spreading its wings to fly in the general direction of my home town.

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