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Miss Fame's POV:

Max just disappeared from the cafe and I was freaking out. I didn't know what to do. The news crew couldn't get their cameras to work, but the lights cane back on. I was paving the floor, trying to think of anything I could do to save Max.

Avoiding any conversation with the news crew, I walked outside of the cafe and placed a hand over my eyes. I squinted, trying to see further, over the buildings, around the dead bushes, into the forest. Whatever. I was going to do anything if it meant the safe return of my last best friend, current girlfriend, and future wife.

I ran back into the cafe to take off my apron. I explained to Violet what I was doing and where I was going. Luckily, she had agreed to watch the news crew and lock up the cafe before after hours. After explaining to her, and of course putting away my apron, I headed to the forest in search of Max. I slowly crept along the road, not wanting a fatal accident like those many before me, and made my way to the trees that swung mindlessly, head down, dark leaves floating slowly down to the already dead ground.

I kicked pebbles and leaves along my way, creating a small trail for me to be able to get back home when necessary. I kept a hand on the wall made of trees since it was so dark. My fingers lightly trailed the dark, soggy wood in attempt to keep me going in the same direction. This forest felt like a maze, only larger, darker, scarier, and more loss was included then just you looking your self in a maze.

This whole turn of events is basically a maze. Not only the forest, but my mind. My brain was just a giant maze at this point, I was stuck in the center, no way out, no sense of direction, no hope, no nothing. Just myself and my rotting mind. Then I realized that I was in fact alone, Max should be here. I've been searching for a long time, if I didn't see her now, there's a chance I won't ever.

I heard the crack of twigs and the rustle of dead leaves behind me, a figure lurking in the dark woods. I couldn't make out the figure, but I could tell there was someone there. Whoever it was, they carried a large tool, it was obviously metal due to the excessive noises and the dragging made large holes within the dirt.

I slowly backed away, trying to hide myself from the figure and get away at the same time. My back hit a boulder that I could have sworn was not previously there, and the figure seemed to get more noticeable, his or her mouth open and upwards at either ends. It was smiling, and I got the impression that it knew, somehow, that I would be here. I gasped when it drew nearer, it advanced forwards and I helplessly couldn't do anything about it.

I feared its intentions and didn't move an inch. I swear I stopped breathing when I saw its white almost nonexistent eyes, the glow still there though the sun had made no appearance. The hint of glossy-ness in the eyes of the figure seemed as if it wasn't completely awake, as if he or she had no clue what was going on. It was as if it wasn't alive.

It was sleepwalking.

SleepWalker ~rpdr Female AUWhere stories live. Discover now