Falling Forwards

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Fame's POV:

Max had been really stressed about the funeral for the past couple of days, even if it was over. She always put others before herself and that's only one of the reasons why I loved her. We were sitting in the closed cafe just talking, like the old days. I was just listening to her speak, I loved her accent, something about it was so soothing. I had been interrupted from my thoughts by a loud obnoxious chicken noise, which happened to be my ring tone. Max laughed at my shocked face when I picked up my phone. "Hello?" I asked, being answered by someone who was not the caller. "Hey mama. *tongue pop*" "Who is this? Isn't Adore calling me right now?" I questioned, Max giving my confused looks. "It's 'Ganja, girl." The person on the other line explained. "Okay, why do you have Adore's phone?" I asked. "She somehow got into my house." Laganja said as a matter of factly. "Yeah, I don't believe that for a second." I replied rolling my eyes. "It's true mama! I'm living at Bianca's with Gia-" She tried saying. "Yeah, because your dead enemy let you stay at her place." I replied. I heard Laganja huff and then she ended the call. I rolled my eyes, once more, setting my phone down on the table. "Who was that, darling?" Max asked me. "Just Laganja calling from Adore's phone." I told her, standing up to grab a cupcake, unlike Pearl and Katya, I was civilized, so I didn't get it off the floor, I grabbed it off of a cake stand. "Oh," She replied, smiling up at me. "I hope Adore is okay, you saw what happened when she came here." "Yeah, I did, but I just hope she can find someone who made her as happy as Bianca did." I added, knowing that Adore would never replace her. Max nodded sadly. "Yeah," She said getting up and grabbing the black rag that sat on the table. She placed it in the storage room and closed all the doors. "It's getting late," She commented looking at the sky. "We should get home." She continued. "Yeah," I said picking myself up from the wooden chair I had been seated on. We walked out the door and got in our cars. I began to drive home, it was handy that I lived pretty close to the cafe, but not as close as Bianca did. I stopped by her old house to pick up Adore, seeing as Laganja didn't have the heart to drive her back. I knocked on the door and Gia answered it. "Hi, I'm here to pick up Adore." I said looking over her short self. "Alright," She stated, dragging each letter like she was Bianca. She left the door and came back with Adore. "Thanks," Adore told me smiling softly. I smiled at her and unlocked my car. I drove to her place, dropped her off, then headed back to mine. When I got out of my car and locked everything, I sat on my bed and watched a movie until I fell asleep. I had turned on 50 Shades of Gray, I know it's a cliche, but it reminded me of Max, and I loved Max.

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