I could never talk about what's happening in my mind
I could never explain how hard it is for me to say
What goes through my thoughts both night and day
I've thought of death
Of yours and mine
I've thought of solitude
I know you'll leave me behind
I've thought of losing you to another
Funny how some can easily say this to each other
I find it hard to tell you
What goes through my head
I find it hard to believe
That I shouldn't be dead
I don't think it's true that you love me
I don't think it's true that anyone cares
I don't believe you're happy with me
I believe you'd be better off as hers
I believe my so called friends are only here because they pity me
I believe I'm so worthless I shouldn't even be considered human
I believe no one could ever truly love me
I believe I'm alone
I believe I always have been
And I believe that what I've just told you
Will destroy you as it did to me
It will linger in your mind like it did mine
I've thought these thoughts for years on end
Day and night
With family and friend
I believe I should never say this to someone
Unless I think they might care enough to stay
But then again why would they?
Hello, Just Me Here
RandomJust some writing to get my mind off things, not all are good but they're there.