Beyong Repair?

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Did you ever think you'd be where you are today?

Did you ever think the darkness of night would take over your day?

Have you ever wondered from time to time

If you belong, if it's all just tricks on your mind?

How do you know when things are real?

You can't always tell from the feel

Who do you think put you here?

Who do you think would notice if you disappear?

No one you say? No one would notice?

You say no one has noticed that your days have all turned to nights and you aren't sure there ever was a light

You say nobody cares but that's not true

You see because there'd be no me if there were no you

I've seen your pain

I've notice your scars

I tried to be there but in my state there is no way

You see I can't help anyone if I myself don't know what to say

I don't know who put me here and I don't know who would notice if I disappeared

I've felt unreal and felt the urge to give into scars

I may not completely understand

But I will not sit in silence

I will stand

and try, TRY to end the violence

I will be there to listen

Forgive me for that is all I can truly say

I cannot promise for that would be a lie as clear as day

I can't help you

Not because you think you're beyond repair

I can't help you since I have no idea

I don't know what I'm doing

I don't know how I've survived

I don't know my way out

I don't know how I'm still alive

But I can promise you this

When I find the answers, I'll be there to help you

Because darling no one is beyond repair

Not even if you're dead inside

Because a part of you is still beating

A part of you is still breathing

And that's how

You'll be saved

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