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helloo!! this is my first nomin au, requested by softrenjunnie; it was inspired by a post i saw about people 'renting' others to pose as their significant other. i dont really know where i'm going with this, it's mostly gonna be fluff and cute moments. hope u enjoy :)

**btw this is also posted on my twitter account (softldhs) under my thread of aus, if u wanted to read it there**


Jaemin sighed. He pulled out his phone to check the time. His phone screen lit up, the time 1:27PM flashing on screen. His mom had dropped him off at the mall a few minutes ago, and Jaemin had nothing to do. He had originally made plans with his friends Chenle and Jisung to hang out at the mall but they decided last minute to ditch him and cuddle with each other instead. It was too late for Jaemin to tell his mom to go back, so he was probably stuck here until she got off work at around 4pm, meaning he had almost 3 hours of time to kill.

He tapped at his thigh, debating what to do. Suddenly he remembered the $200 he had earned in his wallet and the Kakao Friends shop that had just opened. Without further thought and anything better to do, he made his way to the store. 

When he arrived, the place was overflowing with people. Jaemin had expected it to be pretty full considering it was the grand opening, but this was just chaos. As he entered the shop he stood on his toes, looking beyond everyone's heads, looking for Ryan plushies. He quickly found what he was looking for: the large Kakao characters were sitting on the side shelves.

Being the Ryan enthusiast he was, he marched over to the corner and grabbed a large Ryan head cushion first. It was so big, his arm could barely wrap all the way around. He would hug this when he goes to sleep, he decided. He then grabbed a smaller full body plush and a Ryan keychain while he was at it. Looking to the side, he picked up another plushie, this time an Apeach head for his older brother Taeyong. Why not, he thought. I'm rich today and I'm a good younger brother. Finally he picked out a Frodo for Jisung and Muzi for Chenle, just because he was feeling extra generous.

Content with the items overflowing in his hands, he made his way to the lineup. He stood in the line for about half an hour, impatiently tapping his foot while his arms got cramped from holding all the plushies. Finally, it was his turn to pay. He dumped his items onto the counter and pulled out his wallet.

"That will be $182.69," the cashier hummed. "How would you like to pay?"

"Cash please," Jaemin replied with a smile.

Jaemin pulled out two $100 bills and watched as the cashier counted the change. She handed him a wad of $5 bills and some coins.

"Oh- also could I get a bag?" Jaemin fumbled with the bills, trying to pick up all the coins he was given.

"I'm so sorry, we are out of bags," the cashier replied apologetically. She eyed the multiple plushies Jaemin had purchased, slightly concerned for how he was going to manage on his own.

"Oh that's fine," he flashed another half smile. "Thank you!"

He squeezed his way out of the store with the his newly purchased plushies and the ones he had bought for Taeyong and his friends. After the area was clear, he found the nearest bench and set down the things he bought, smiling a little. They were so cute, Jaemin decided the little full body Ryan would sit on his desk in his room and the keychain would go on his backpack.

After a few more minutes, Jaemin checked the time again. 2:49PM. Still over an hour until he could go home. He scanned the mall for other places to explore, but any thought of shopping more was shut down by the fact that he had four two decently large plushies to carry and two smaller ones he would most likely drop if he wasn't careful. Suddenly, he saw a small crowd of girls and a group of disinterested boys gathered to his right. A sign read "Rent A Boyfriend" beside, and Jaemin couldn't ignore his curiosity so he got up and made his way to the cluster of people, plushies in hand.

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