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"Keep still," Donghyuck sighed, annoyed at how Jaemin couldn't stop squirming in his seat. He had come over in the early afternoon to do Jaemin's makeup, after days of begging Jaemin to let him over.

"It's ticklish though," Jaemin giggled as he dodged the makeup brush Donghyuck was holding for the millionth time.

Donghyuck stopped and stood still for a few moments, contemplating, then turned around on his heel and stopped the camera that was recording. "Forget about making a YouTube video," he grumbled dramatically. "None of this footage is gonna work. Anyways! I swear to God Jaemin if you can't sit still for even two seconds—"

Jaemin smiled, batting his lashes innocently. "And what if I can't?"

"Okay just try your best not to avoid the makeup as if it's the plague. It's been 10 minutes and we're not even done putting on foundation, get it together," Donghyuck mumbled halfheartedly as he focused his attention to blending the foundation on Jaemin's face and neck. Jaemin squeezed his eyes shut, not used to the feeling of having liquids and powders beat into his face and subconsciously held his breath while Donghyuck worked.

"Why the fuck is your skin so smooth," Donghyuck marveled, half-complaining and half-praising. "You honestly don't even need foundation."

Jaemin laughed and looked at Donghyuck, who was examining Jaemin's face with envy. "Maybe it's the coffee I drink," he said with wide, convincing eyes.

"Yeah, of course it is," Donghyuck replied sarcastically. "A sip of that drink is like taking a step closer to death. Now," he reached for a smaller brush and brown powder. "Eyebrows. Though again, your eyebrows are already flawless," Donghyuck noted, salty at the fact.

Jaemin took a few seconds to check his phone, and noticed Jeno had sent him a message. He replied, and Jeno happened to be online as well because he responded to Jaemin's text right away. They chatted for a bit, then Jaemin put his phone back down when Donghyuck complained about his head tilting downwards.

After Donghyuck finished with eyebrows, he pulled out an eyeshadow palette and liquid eyeliner. Jaemin instinctively backed away at the sight and pushed a hand out in defense.

"Hell no," he said, eyeing the liner prepared beside the palette. "You're gonna stab my eye. I don't know about you but I like being able to see."

Donghyuck smiled dryly and motioned for Jaemin to come back. "I won't, don't worry. I'll do the eyeshadow first."

"By the way," Donghyuck tapped the eyeshadow brush on the lid of the palette. "Is Jeno coming? I saw your conversation."

Jaemin nodded, then closed his eyes to let Donghyuck put whatever colours and sparkles he wanted onto Jaemin's eyelid. "I told him he could come whenever," he mumbled.

"Well lucky for you!" Donghyuck exclaimed once he finished Jaemin's eyes. "He'll fall even deeper once he sees you today. You and makeup put together make an absolute masterpiece, you'll see."

Donghyuck dug deeper into the makeup bag he bought and pulled out some lip colours. "Final step, lips." He looked at the colours he had and then at Jaemin's natural lip colour, trying to figure out which colour would compliment him the best. "Or do you really need lipstick?" He questioned. "You'll probably kiss it all off with Jeno later."

Jaemin suddenly coughed and felt his cheeks heat up. Donghyuck snickered. "Looks like I don't need to put on blush anymore," he teased. "Okay but honestly a makeup look isn't complete without lipstick." He picked a natural looking shade and applied it onto Jaemin's lips.

"Holy shit your lips are dry," Donghyuck noted as he inspected how the colour looked. He shook his head. "The Sahara Desert has some serious competition."

"I know," Jaemin said simply.

"This is sad," Donghyuck said soullessly as he heated up the flat iron. "Maybe if you drank water instead of espresso..."

A short silence fell as Donghyuck focused his attention on carefully styling Jaemin's honey locks. "Even your hair is pretty," he huffed while he worked. "Did you get this colour done professionally?"

"I wouldn't spend a hundred at a salon just to dye my 5 inches of hair," Jaemin replied. "I did this myself!" He said cutely at the end, making a flowerpot with his hands and causing Donghyuck to pull a disgusted expression at Jaemin's sudden act of cuteness.

"There! The look is complete," Donghyuck said, fixing some stray hairs then making jazz hands around Jaemin's face. "You may now look in the mirror."

Jaemin hadn't been allowed to see the makeup process the entire time, so he was genuinely curious as to how he looked. When he turned his chair, he almost gasped at the result.

The foundation had smoothed and evened out his skin tone, and had almost a blurred effect on his pores. He noticed his eyebrows looked slightly stronger or bolder than before, but still followed its natural shape. What stood out Jaemin the most though was the eyes. Donghyuck had gone with a natural chocolatey brown theme, with his outer corners darker and a shimmery copper colour in the middle of his eyelids. The black eyeliner was drawn subtly in the end corners of his eyes to lengthen the eyes. Finally, his hair had been styled so that it parted to one side, the parted hair being curved into a loose curl at the front.

"This looks so good?" Jaemin said in the form of a question, in awe of how he now looked.

"Just accentuating your already perfect features," Donghyuck shrugged bashfully. "But I'm glad you like it," he clapped his hands together.

The doorbell rang, and Donghyuck shot up at the sound. "That's probably Jeno. I'll get it!" He sang cheerfully. Before Jaemin could say anything in protest, Donghyuck had already bolted out of the bathroom and down the stairs. Jaemin breathed out a chuckle, amused at how easily Donghyuck got excited.

He listened in on a bit of what Donghyuck was rambling on about to Jeno, and then got up himself to greet his boyfriend downstairs.



OSDJJDKDJDJ sorry the update was slow😭 i highkey forgot that i have to actually write more of this story lmaoo oops

also because im usually too tired to stay up until 3am (+ the chance that i wont wake up in the morning if i do) so i havent been able to find a proper time to write !! enough excuses tho

ive been contemplating whether or not i should incorporate more mark into the story,, bc weve only seen him once so far . except when would i ?? what would they do ??? and the au is ending soon too idk if i wanna get into a whole other side story 😔😔

but yee anyways this wasn't as long as i hoped but we got that nahyuck(?) interaction LOL next update i promise there'll be nohyuck and nomin content !

- amy

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