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Jungwoo was more stressed than ever before. Where were the others? They were just with them a moment ago, and now they disappeared. He looked around slightly, looking for signs of his friends but they were nowhere to be seen. Which meant... he was going to be with Lucas! Alone! The thought made his heart rate skyrocket.

After a bit of unsuccessful calling, Lucas gave up and took Jungwoo by the arm and dragged him away from the tables, telling him not to worry and that they should have some fun while the others are gone. Jungwoo wordlessly followed, too stunned to function.

"Okay so where are we going next?" Lucas had his head buried in the map, trying to find rides they haven't yet stopped at. He looked up to see a stressed looking Jungwoo, which made him stop in his tracks.

"Jungwoo? Is everything okay?" Lucas put an hand on Jungwoo's arm. "Don't worry about being separated from the others, I'm sure we will find each other."

"Y-yeah," Jungwoo stuttered, thrown off by Lucas' touch. God, he was so whipped and Lucas didn't even notice a thing. Or at least if he did, he sure was good at hiding it. "Everything is good, it's good." Damnit. Jungwoo mentally slapped himself for repeating his words like a dumbass.

Lucas noticed Jungwoo's state of distress and softened a little. "Is something making you anxious?" He asked with a concerned expression. "We can stop somewhere and sit down if you like."

Yeah, Jungwoo thought. That 'something' is you, sherlock. How can you be so adorably cute and naturally funny and gentle and thoughtful and genuine I just can't deal with it and how you get excited at everything like a little baby and the way your eyes light up when you're happy I just want to hold your hand and never let go, I hope you know that.

"Hello?" Lucas waved a hand at Jungwoo, who snapped out of his thoughts.

"No, it's fine let's keep walking," he replied, face burning with embarrassment. Get it together, Jungwoo.

"Okay," Lucas sang excitedly. "Well I was thinking of going on the bumper cars. It sounds fun!" He pointed to the ride on the map and then the direction they needed to go.

Jungwoo let out a cackle as they walked. "Bumper cars? What a baby," he teased. He suddenly caught the fact that he just called Lucas a baby and was about to try and stutter something to fix what he said, but to Jungwoo's surprise the boy was unfazed.

"Hey! Bumper cars are fun okay!" Lucas pouted. "And it's the closest I can get to driving since I can't pass my goddamn driver's test," he whined. "Actually it's more fun than driving for real, trust me."

"This is why you can't pass, your test," Jungwoo joked. "You think crashing into people is fun."

Lucas laughed at the roast, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth. Jungwoo noticed it was a habit, for Lucas to cover his smile when he laughed with that massive hand of his. It was cute.

They made it to the front of the line, and when they were let in Lucas ran to the nearest car. Jungwoo laughed at his eagerness and took a car that was close to him, and buckled up.

The sound went off, and the floor was sent into chaos. Lucas immediately tried to go for Jungwoo, who noticed and tried to drive away. He wasn't fast enough though; Lucas' car hit Jungwoo's with a strong impact that threw Jungwoo off for a moment. Shaking his head, he refocused and zeroed in on his new target, Lucas.

With fits of laughs the two chased each other around, trying to bump into the other. Every time they crashed they would refocus and charge after each other with a stronger determination than before. It was so fun, they got too into the moment and didn't realize it was over until the cars stopped moving. Jungwoo got out in a daze, still grinning from the fun he had.

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