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The kiss left Jaemin in a daze; after the heat of the moment had passed, the reality that Jeno was really his boyfriend hit him like a firetruck. They kissed! They exchanged the L word! Jaemin was overwhelmed with emotions he'd never felt before, and even hours afterwards his head still buzzed with adrenaline.

They had spent the afternoon lazing around and watching TV, as Jeno had suggested not-so-subtly suggested earlier. Every now and then Jaemin would lean over to give the other a peck on the cheek, and he giggled every time Jeno tried swatting him away.

"Come on baby, let me kiss you," Jaemin whined, making his best puppy eyes.

Jeno pointed to the TV. "I'm trying to focus, Nana. This show is good."

Jaemin let out an exasperated sigh. He gently took Jeno's hand and laced their fingers together. He smiled at the sight of their intertwined fingers. "But I'm better," Jaemin pouted. "Right?"

Jeno shook his head with a laugh, defeated. "You got me there," he replied. He then leaned forward to this time be the one to kiss the others' cheek.

A smile grew on Jaemin's face as he raised a hand to touch the spot that was just kissed. In return, he gave Jeno yet another kiss, this time on the lips. It was a short peck, and it was over before Jeno could enjoy anything.

"You're such a tease, you know that?" Jeno stared deeply into Jaemin's eyes and slowly inched his face closer. Jaemin held his breath as he watched Jeno's lips come closer and closer to his. Jeno's gaze flickered down to his lips when they were just centimeters apart, and Jaemin felt time stop as he waited for them to meet. But they didn't.

Jaemin's phone rang, interrupting the moment, and Jeno smirked smugly before leaning back to his original position. Jaemin was blanked out from what just happened for a moment until Jeno brought him back to reality.

"You should answer that."

Jaemin blinked, then picked his phone up from off the side table. "I'm the tease huh," he huffed as he checked who was calling. It was Taeyong.

Jaemin stuck his tongue out at Jeno one last time in protest before answering the call on speaker mode. "Hey hyung, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just wondering if you plan on coming home," He joked. "It's almost dinner time."

"Wait what?" Jaemin whipped his head around looking for a clock. Jeno noticed him struggling and picked up his own phone with a sigh, pressing the power button to display the time that was 5:06PM.

"Having so much fun with your lover boy that you've lost track of time?" Jaemin could hear Taeyong snickering from the other side.

"Shut up," Jaemin muttered. "So, do you want me home soon?"

"Preferably, yeah," Taeyong replied. "If you came home now you'd be here in time for dinner. And you could bring Jeno if you want, mom would love to meet him."

Jaemin grinned. "Really?" He glanced over at Jeno, who was watching and nodding excitedly. "We'll be there soon," he told his brother. "See you in a bit!"

They exchanged their goodbyes over the phone, then ended the call. Jaemin quickly got up, and grabbed Jeno's hand. "Come on, let's go."

The bus came to the stop on time, and the two boys found a spot near the back to sit. Jeno and Jaemin sat next to each other, and Jeno couldn't help but play with Jaemin's fingers as they waited to get off the bus.

Jaemin could sense that his boyfriend was feeling slightly stressed because he turned his body slightly to face Jeno, who was staring into the distance. "What's wrong Jeno? Are you nervous?" Jeno looked over and nodded wordlessly and Jaemin softened immediately. He took one hand out of Jeno's grasp to gently rub circles on the older's back, the other still being held onto by Jeno's hands.

"Don't worry babe, my family already loves you," Jaemin assured Jeno, which got him a scoff in response.

"What are you scoffing at Nono! I'm being serious, you're literally all I talk about at home," Jaemin laughed. "You have no idea how hard my family shipped us together even just after that first day we met. Trust me, everything will be fine. If anything, mentally prepare yourself for the worst kind of embarrassment you'll ever experience."

Jeno rolled his eyes. "What if that's what I'm worried about the most though?" He joked.

Jaemin stopped for a moment to give Jeno a dead stare. "You're not funny Jeno. Your nickname is Nono for a reason..."

"Say that again at when you were busting a lung from laughing yesterday," Jeno retorted. "But seriously, thanks. I don't know why I'm stressed about it though your words helped a lot."

"Jeno, we're on a bus. I will not cry right now. Say something unfunny again, I need to cool down the atmosphere," Jaemin said, wiping at his eyes.

Jeno laughed, then attacked Jaemin with tickles. Jaemin jerked back, trying to get away but failing since they were sitting right next to each other. Jeno grinned as Jaemin doubled over with giggles and Jaemin could tell they earned them a few bothered looks from the others on the bus.

"Wait! Stop stop stop we're getting off soon," Jaemin cried out. Jeno finally released his hold on Jaemin and he gave him a bit of time to catch his breath before they reached their stop.

They walked for a bit longer until they reached Jaemin's house. The door opened before Jaemin could ring the doorbell though, and he was swept into a hug from his mother. "Welcome home dear, you're here just in time," she smiled at Jaemin, then greeted Jeno who was standing awkwardly behind. "Jeno! It's so great to meet you, come in."

They made their way to the kitchen to where Taeyong was finishing cooking the last dish and setting it onto the table. "Hey Nana, hey Jeno!" He nodded at them both. "Dinner's ready; have a seat."



okay HEY hello uhhhhhhhh about me updating more.... sike???

so i have a super super hella heckin important piano exam on august 17 Which Means i need to practice lots and lots before then Which Means after getting yelled at by my mom for an hour and her planning out how im gonna practice in order to pass, the time im allowed to be on my phone is anywhere from 1-4ish hours a day. and it takes my slow ass around 3hrs to write a chapter or two

= im gonna go ia Again and try to update more when my summer break actually feels like a break :)

in case ur wondering how i had this chapter ready was bc i wrote it the night before i posted the last chapter👁👄👁 heh

but yuh im just as pissed as y'all probably are at this point bc my busy ass keeps having to go in hiatus djdjjdjd the way that ive been working on this au for almost a year and its still not done....

welp ima stop before i angry rant more ksjdjdjjd tho i wanna thank everyone for 3k votes :cc and the total reads are still going up AAAAAA thank uu it rlly means so much to me🥺

- amy

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