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"Thanks again Jungwoo! I'm glad I got to know you," Jaemin slammed the car door shut, waving a goodbye to Jungwoo. He turned to Jeno, who was already disappearing into an ice cream shop. Jaemin shot one last smile at Jungwoo who was motioning for him to run after Jeno, then went after the black haired boy.

Jeno was already in line, tapping his card on his thigh, looking at all the ice cream flavours. Jaemin read over the sign as well, and was contemplating between getting strawberry or chocolate.

"What flavour are you getting?" Jaemin nudged Jeno slightly as he joined him. "I'm torn between strawberry and chocolate, I don't know which one I should get!"

Jeno smiled, whipped for how excited the boy got at every little thing. "I was thinking of just getting vanilla. And you could always get both," he pointed out.

"Vanilla? That's so boring," Jaemin made a face. "It suits you though."

"Excuse me?" Jeno faked an offended expression. "Are you saying I'm boring? First my friends, now you too? I feel so betrayed." He shook his head dramatically.

They made it to the front of the line and before Jaemin could order, Jeno cut in front. "One cone with a scoop of vanilla, please. And another cone with one scoop of chocolate and one scoop of strawberry," Jeno gave Jaemin a smirk as he paid for both ice creams.

"You should've let me pay," Jaemin pouted once they were out of the shop.

Jeno smiled brightly at Jaemin's cuteness. "It's okay, I was feeling generous."

"And two scoops!" Jaemin held out his ice cream with two large scoops that were dangerously close to falling off the side of the cone. "There's so much and it's so sweet, how am I supposed to finish this?"

(Jeno's brain:
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it)

"It's not as sweet as you though," Jeno replied smoothly while licking more ice cream off the sides of his cone. "Plus, it balances out all of that awful tasting coffee you drink."

Jaemin could feel his face heat up. "That was completely unnecessary, you know," he shot back, trying to look unaffected by Jeno's sudden flirt attack. Jeno had the audacity to laugh, knowing damn well what he just did. He's so cocky, Jaemin thought. But maybe I love it.

The two walked around for a bit along the side of a nearby pond in the park, talking about whatever came to mind. They admired the scenery and nature, and Jaemin stopped every once in a while to take photos using Jeno's phone of colourful flowers he saw or something pretty in the water. Jeno held back the urge to snatch back his phone and snap a photo of Jaemin, who was glowing under the sun, his smile more radiant than ever. Maybe Jeno was just whipped to the point where he was seeing the world through rose tinted glasses, but he really wanted the day to last forever.

Suddenly Jaemin felt a drop of rain hit his shoulder. Then another on his nose. And another on his head. He looked up to the sky, which was turning grey with storm clouds. He held out his hand, catching a few droplets of water.

"Jaemin!" Jeno tugged on the corner of Jaemin's shirt. "We should go inside, I think it's about to pour."

As if on cue, it started to rain down heavily, and their clothes became soaked as they ran to find shelter. They finally made it to the closest building and swung open the door to the ice cream shop. Both were out of breath from running, raindrops streaking their faces. Jaemin ran a finger through his hair, which was dripping water droplets onto the floor.

"Damn what was that," Jaemin panted. "One second it's sunny, the next second it rains a fucking storm." He wouldn't have minded a slight drizzle, but it had turned into a whole shower and a half. He was slightly mad at how wet his clothes were, and the fact that he still had to get home somehow in his current condition.

"The weather's wild," Jeno agreed, but slightly taken aback by the unexpected curse word that came from Jaemin's mouth. "So, what now?"

"Well, I don't know. I'm thinking of how I'm supposed to get home, I'm soaked and my phone is dead." Jaemin was heated from the situation, and Jeno was slightly intimidated by his tone of voice. He had never seen this side of Jaemin before.

"Hey," Jeno said softly, closing some distance between them and putting a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Don't get upset, I can call Jungwoo and he can take us to my place.We can get you a change of clothes, and charge your phone."

Jaemin agreed, not knowing what else to do. Jeno made a quick call to Jungwoo asking him to pick them up. He didn't say anything in the car ride to Jeno's, just letting himself calm down and also being careful to keep the seats in the car as dry as possible.

"Thank you for doing this again," Jaemin said as Jungwoo pulled up the driveway to Jeno's house. "What would we do without you, really."

"Awe, don't worry about it Jaemin! Like I said, it's nothing. Plus, I don't have anything to do today, believe it or not I'm the most jobless out of all of you."

Jeno raised an eyebrow. "If you have so much free time you could always hang out with Lucas? I can tell that he really likes your company. And that you might really like him..." he gave Jungwoo a sly smile as Jungwoo's ears turned bright red, confirming his observations.

"Shut up," Jungwoo covered his face in embarrassment, but Jeno could still see the shy smile he hid behind his fingers. As quickly as he got flustered, Jungwoo let out a slight cough and composed himself, straightening his back. "I'll be going now. You and Jaemin have fun!"

Both boys smiled mischievously as Jungwoo waved them off, and then they headed inside Jeno's house.



heyy sorry for not updating in a while,, at least christmas break is coming up hella soon for me so maybe ill find more time and motivation to write then.

this chapter was mostly just fluff and the characters getting more whipped for each other LOL and jaemins lil mood swing, idk what that was for i just spontaneously decided to write that part.. maybe he'll bring it up slightly in the next chapter *eyes emoji* and they'll get closer?? idfk what even do i have planned

but yall better look forward to the next update bc mAYbe there will be some c*ddling... hehehhe ik what yall thinking like how cliche can this bitch get riGHT but its cute so :))

also idk if i ever mentioned this but im sorry for any typos or bad grammar bc most of this is typed on my phone after 12am hEH

anyway thats all for noww, hopefully ill update soon.

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