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Jeno had just finished a sandwich in the kitchen when the doorbell rang. He quickly dusted his shirt with his hands and answered the door. Jaemin stood there, dressed simply in a plain t-shirt and track pants. He had his phone in one hand and a coffee in the other, and was watching Jeno expectantly.

"Hey babe," Jaemin waved. "Do you plan on letting me in or are you just going to stare at me without saying anything?"

Jeno snapped out of his thoughts and moved aside so Jaemin could come in. "Sorry, I was just admiring my boyfriend. You look good."

"Good?" Jaemin gave a confused expression. "Please, I almost had a breakdown trying to fix my hair. And as you can see, I failed, rage quit and left it down. But thanks, so do you," he said with a giggle.

Jeno had changed into blue jeans and a buttoned-down shirt, with his hair parted slightly in the middle. "Thanks babe, I honestly just threw on whatever clean clothes I had in my closet," he replied with a smile.

Jaemin followed him to the living room, and they both sunk into the couches. "So what should we do today?" He asked Jeno.

"I don't really have any plans," Jeno admitted. "We could just stay here in my comfortable and cool air-conditioned home and watch TV, or we could go out under the burning hot sun to get food and blow more money that I don't have. You choose," he shrugged.

Jaemin laughed. "Well, when you put it that way..." he grinned. "Going out sounds pretty good. I'm kidding!" he cried as Jeno lightly slapped Jaemin's arm.

"Good," Jeno sighed, relieved. "We've gone out so many days this week, I can hear my wallet crying in pain. Why is Starbucks so overpriced? I literally pay six dollars for some milk and whipped cream," Jeno sighed.

"That's a mood, I pay the same for some crushed ice and espresso," Jaemin agreed.

Jeno snorted at his reply. "I still don't understand why you would willingly pay money to get that death drink. It's the worst thing I've ever tried."

Jaemin said nothing; he just grabbed his coffee from the table and took a few big, long sips. After downing a quarter of it, he leaned back and gave Jeno a petty toothless smile.

"My comment still stands," Jeno shrugged. "Oh but before I forget, I have something for you," he added and got up from the couch. "Wait here, I'll be right back."

Jeno hurried upstairs to find the two Ryan keychains he had got at the mall with Johnny. He made his way back to the living room with the keychains in hand, one enclosed in each fist.

He sat back down on the couch and stuck both his hands out, fists closed. Jaemin looked at Jeno with a slightly confused expression, and Jeno held his arms higher, smiling excitedly. "Pick one," he said.

Jaemin pondered for a moment, then tapped on Jeno's right hand. Jeno turned his hand over and opened his palm to show Jaemin the keychain.

"What's this?" Jaemin asked, picking it up with a small smile on his face.

"It's for you," Jeno laughed. "I got it at the Line store with Johnny."

Jaemin's eyes softened. "For real? What about you?"

"I have one too." Jeno opened his left hand to show Jaemin the matching keychain.

Jaemin beamed. "You got us couple keychains? I'm so soft right now, this is so sweet Jeno," he hugged the keychain close. "I'll hang this on my wallet."

Jeno smiled, loving this excited side of Jaemin. "I'm so glad you like it! I'll attach mine to my wallet too then."

"I'm emotional, oh my God. I could kiss you right now," Jaemin stared at his present with a dumbstruck grin.

Jeno's heart rate sped up at Jaemin's words. Was this it? He had wanted to do it since their moment last night, but hadn't gotten the chance to since Jaemin fell asleep. It's now or never, Jeno told himself.

Carefully, he brushed the hair out of Jaemin's face, then gently cupped his chin with the palm of his hand. Jaemin looked up from the keychain and his wide, surprised eyes locked with Jeno's, who were soft and full of love. Jaemin realized what was happening and put his keychain down. Slowly, Jeno brought his face closer to Jaemin's and his eyes shut as their lips met.

Jeno felt sparks fly in his head as they kissed, and he leaned closer towards Jaemin who had pulled on his arm. Their kiss was soft and slow and sweet, until Jeno felt Jaemin's tongue pushing against his lip. He let out a sigh before letting him in, Jaemin's tongue tracing along the inside of his mouth. Jeno's breath hitched at the sensation, and he could feel the corners of Jaemin's mouth turning upwards in satisfaction. Jeno pushed back with his own tongue, exploring a bit of Jaemin's mouth before nibbling down at his lip. Jaemin moaned softly in response, then Jeno pulled back his lips to press their foreheads together. They slowly opened their eyes and looked at each other, gasping for air.

"Damn, you're good," Jaemin breathed, eyes locked on Jeno's mouth.

Jeno was about to tell him the same when Jaemin's fingers curled around Jeno's neck and brought their lips together again. This time the kiss was rougher, and Jeno found himself drowning in Jaemin's embrace. He was dizzy with lust, intoxicated by Jaemin's scent. Jeno suddenly pushed Jaemin into the couch, making him whimper in surprise. With his boyfriend trapped under him, Jeno took the opportunity to leave a trail of kisses along Jaemin's jaw, and he could tell he was enjoying it from the sounds spilling from his lips. Jeno smirked slightly before giving Jaemin's lips one last kiss, then took himself off of him, both breathless.

They took a moment to catch their breaths, and Jeno once again stared at the boy next to him. Jaemin's chest rose and fell with each deep breath, lips puffy from kissing and hair a mess. Still, he looked beyond beautiful.

"I love you," Jeno breathed.

Jaemin smiled. "And I love you too baby. That was amazing by the way. Were you always this good of a kisser?"

A shrug. "That was my first," Jeno replied shyly. "To be honest, I've wanted to do that for a long time."

"Honestly?" Jaemin giggled. "Me too."



AAAAAAAAAA so that just: happened

the amount of breakdowns and screams into the pillow that i had while writing the kiss scene... yall have no idea

pls keep in mind ive never kissed anyone tho,, i hope it was alright but if that kiss scene was complete ass well i mean . i tried ok

anyway thinking about whats left to cover in the story i think this au is about ¾ done?? more or less ?? after this its more cute moments and interactions with the friends and family, bc i want them all to get closer :)) also bc i feel like i havent written a crackhead chapter in a while and i wannaaa

i did rough planning on the chapters to come and there really isnt much left... im lowkey emo that this au is really ending dkdkdkd i hate endings bc what happens afterwards? sos

anyway ill stop rambling sksjjdjd thanks for reading! i hope u liked this chapter :D

- amy

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