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"I'm so sorry, I promise I'll pay you back..." Jaemin's brows furrowed in disappointment.

Jeno eyed Jaemin, who seemed a little too distressed about the current situation. The poor boy looked on the verge of tears, all over a bit of money. Jeno felt bad. Was his response too harsh? Should he not have been so rude?

"Look, it's not that big of a deal, I guess I overreacted. If it would make you feel better I could give you my number," Jeno offered. "so we could arrange a meeting place? And you can pay back the rest."

Like a light getting switched on, Jaemin's face brightened immediately. "Really? Thank you, that puts me at ease." Jaemin flashed a big smile. It was a pretty smile, the kind that made others want to smile too.

"You have a really nice smile," Jeno noted as they swapped phones. He didn't realize he had said it out loud until Jaemin responded, throwing Jeno slightly off guard.

"I have a nice smile? Thank you Jeno," Jaemin replied, his smile growing to the point where was practically grinning from ear to ear. Jeno could feel his face heat up, and he busied himself in Jaemin's phone to hide the slight blush on his cheeks.

After a few moments, the two finished exchanging their contact information and Jeno handed Jaemin back his phone. Jaemin got a text from his mom, who had arrived and was waiting for Jaemin in the parking lot. He gave back the Apeach plush he had been hugging for the past hour. His chest was met with cold air that filled the space where the plushie once was. "Later, Jaemin," Jeno stuck his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Yeah! Bye, Jeno," Jaemin waved, flashing another smile. Jeno watched as the boy walked off, looking extra small in comparison to the plushies he was hugging.

After Jaemin disappeared from view, Jeno made his way back to the station where his friends were waiting. They all had excited faces, eager to hear Jeno's story.

"So how was it?" Lucas asked. "You have a boyfriend now?"

"He's not my boyfriend," Jeno said simply. "And since when did you assume I was gay?"

"I don't know bud. We always assumed you were straight, but you never actually confirmed it. After today, I don't know anymore." Lucas' words echoed in Jeno's head, and it occurred to Jeno that Lucas was right. Perhaps he might not be straight like he thought.

"Anyway, it wasn't bad," he continued. "That kid really loves to talk though," Jeno thought back to the way Jaemin was rambling when they first conversed.

"You got paid?" Jaehyun piped up.

"Well, about that..." Jeno started. He was cut off by Jungwoo, who was looking at his phone screen that was turned on.

"Why is your phone on with the contact page open?" Jungwoo pointed at the phone in Jeno's hand, reading the name that was onscreen. "Na Jaemin. Is this the guy you were with? He sounds cute."

"Yeah, that's him. He didn't have enough money to pay me so he wants to meet up sometime to pay back the rest. We exchanged numbers to keep in contact with each other," Jeno explained.

"Oh?" Jaehyun rose an eyebrow. "Pay back how?" He smirked, letting Jeno know he was implying something very different and very dirty.

Jeno was met with collective ooohs from his friends. Jeno shook his head slightly and gave his friends a look of disgust. "Shut up, you perverts," he shot back. "You guys are too much. It's money he's paying back. I didn't think I had to clarify."

"Sure thing. Your ears are turning red though," Johnny teased. The group laughed, clearly amused.

"Okay but back to the topic. Since you have his number now does that mean you'll be seeing him again?" Jungwoo's comment brought back everyone's attention.

"You're right. I guess this isn't the last time I'll be seeing him." The idea of meeting with Jaemin again gave Jeno a warm and fuzzy feeling that he had never experienced before. It was strange, considering they were barely acquaintances, and they had barely managed to get along. But these thoughts didn't occur to Jeno. The only thing he knew was that he would see Jaemin again soon.

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