I Will Be By Your Side, We'll Get Through This Together

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The next day Finn and Sasha sat round Bayley's bedside waiting nervously for her to wake up and see whether or not she was paralyzed. Later that afternoon Finn and Sasha were chatting when they started to hear coughing

Finn- Sasha go get a doctor. Bayley calm down just relax ok he said to a panicked Bayley

Dr West- Ok Bayley just relax I'm going to remove the tube in your mouth. I want you to take a deep breath in 1, 2, 3 there we go he said as he removed the tube.

Finn- How do you feel?

Bayley didn't respond 

Sasha- Bay, You Ok?

Bayley- I can't feel my legs, Why can't I feel my legs. Finn, Sasha why can't I feel my legs

Dr West-I'm sorry Bayley you suffered a severe bleed on your brain and unfortunately this is a result of that. 

Bayley- No Finn please tell me he is lying.

Finn- I'm sorry Bayley he said as he hugged her

Later Finn was stood outside the hospital Sasha came out and joined him

Sasha- She'll get through this and I will be there to help you both with what ever you need

Finn-I don't know whether I can help her through this, I was one that did this to her and put her in the state she in now.

Sasha- Finn that crash was not your fault, I know that and Bayley knows that. But you need to be strong, she need you now more than ever. 

Later Finn was stood outside Bayley's room. He was watching her and Sasha chatting, Sasha hugged Bayley and came out of the room

Sasha- I'm going to go and get a coffee, She wants to talk to you Finn.

Finn- Ok

Finn walked into Bayley's room

Finn- Sasha said you wanted to talk to me 

Bayley- Yeah, Dr West came and spoke to me earlier and he booked me into a rehab therapy 

Finn- That amazing, that will really help you 

Bayley- But I need to be staying there as a in house resident. But...

Finn- But what??

Bayley- I don't want to it all the way in Florida and I don't wanna be away from my family or friends she said as she began to cry

Finn- Hey Shh he said as he hugged her. Why don't you come and live with me 

Bayley- What?

Finn- Come and live with me 

Bayley- Finn I can't 

Finn- Why, I've got two bedrooms and everything on one floor. I can help you round the house, I can take you to your rehab therapy sessions and best of all your still be round all you friends and Family.

Bayley- I can't ask you to do that Finn 

Finn- Your not, I wanna be by your side throughout all of your recovery and rehab. So what do you say?

Bayley- Yes.

Finn- Ok Roomie and Listen I will be by your side, We'll get through this together.

Aww Finn and Bayley are Roomies. Sorry it a short update I will be doing a bigger update tomorrow. What Will Happen Next??? Will Finn and Bayley Friendship start to become more than friends?? Will Bayley Health take a turn for the worst and if so how Will Finn Feel????Until Next Time xxx

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