Surprise, I'm Back

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Few Weeks Later

Since Bayley's confrontation with Caitlin. Finn and Bayley haven't seen or heard from Caitlin since the day Bayley beat the crap of of her. Finn was asked to go and see triple H before Monday night Raw, he arrived at Triple H's Office.

Triple H- Ah Finn come in 

Finn walked in to See Caitlin Sat there with Stephanie 

Finn- Um what's going on?

Stephanie- Finn WWE has become aware of your past relationship with Caitlin and how Caitlin and Bayley have been towards one another and we think it would make a fantastic storyline for the three of you.

Finn- What?? Is Bayley Okay with this ???

Triple H- We haven't asked her. But I'm sure she agree 

Finn- Don't be so Sure H 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Triple H opened it and Finn saw Bayley stood at the door.

Bayley- What's she doing here 

Triple H- As Stephanie already told Finn and Caitlin, I'll tell you we want to do a love triangle angle with you three. So you and Finn are happy in love and Caitlin tries to seduce Finn 

Bayley- No I'm not happy with this 

Stephanie- Well like it or not it's going ahead with or without you. 

Bayley storms out of Triple H's office as Finn follows after her, the pair unaware that Caitlin is close behind them.

Finn- Bayley wait 

Bayley- I'm not doing this Finn and don't you dare try to change my mind she said before slamming the locker room door in his face. 

Finn- Bayley, Bayley

Caitlin- See she not happy with the storyline 

Finn- No she isn't, I can't believe Stephanie and Triple H how can they do this 

Caitlin- I don't know but I even thought me and Bayley got off on the wrong foot I'm glad to be working with her and you.

Finn- Well thanks

Caitlin- No probs she said as she leaned in a kissed him on the cheek 

Finn- Caitlin just because we may be doing a storyline together don't give you the right to try and seduce me. I love Bayley not you 

Caitlin- You give in to me eventually

Later on Caitlin  walks in to the locker room and see Bayley's best friend Sasha, she walks over to her as Sasha glares up at Caitlin.

Sasha- What do you want?

Caitlin- I need to tell Bayley something but i'm scared she'll blame me 

Sasha- What is it?

Caitlin- Finn kissed me 

Sasha- Yeah course he did 

Caitlin- Sasha I'm being serious 

Sasha- Well I don't believe you and neither will Bayley 

Sasha soon went to find Bayley and tell her what Caitlin told her. Bayley who is now at boiling point goes and confronts Finn.

Bayley- Be honest have you kissed Caitlin 

Finn- No Why is she saying I have?

Bayley- Yes  

All of a sudden out of nowhere Caitlin comes in and adds fuel to the fire.

Caitlin- Finn don't lie about what happened between us

Finn- Listen Bayley I would rather die than kiss her

Caitlin- Finn kissed me when he was at a meet and greet

But Bayley believes him before she jumps on Caitlin punching her square in the face. The two begin to brawl before Triple H comes and breaks it up 

Triple H- Stop It, You two wanna settle your issue then your settle them in the main event tonight which will be a match for the Raw Women Championship. With Finn in Bayley corner 

Caitlin- what about me, Who is in mine 

Triple H- I have someone in mine don't worry 

Main Event Title Match

It was the Main event match for the Raw Women Championship, Finn and Bayley walked out and made there way to the ring  before Caitlin walks out and stand at the top of the ramp as she introduces her partner taunting Bayley 

 Caitlin- you know him very well, Bayley

 Caitlin steps aside to reveal her partner, The light go dark before  Aaron Solow walks out and  Finn and Bayley look like they've seen a ghost 

As Aaron stands at the top of the ramp with Caitlin as he smiles at them. 

Aaron-SURPRISE! I'm back. Did you miss me Bayley he said as Caitlin and him step into the ring before squaring up with Finn and Bayley as the ref try to get some order before starting the match. 

The Ref lifts the title before calling for the bell, the minute the bell rang Bayley ran at Caitlin Flattening her to the floor before punching her in the face, As Bayley stood stalking Caitlin like a predator stalks it's prey getting ready to deliver a Bayley to Belly. 

Aaron grabbed Bayley foot throwing her to the mat, Caitlin quickly went for the cover only getting a two count as she got up she noticed Finn attacking Aaron.

 Caitlin screamed at Finn getting his attention before Aaron floored Finn, however as Caitlin turned around Bayley pulled Caitlin to her before delivering a Bayley to Belly before pinning Caitlin for the three count. 

 As Bayley sit in the middle of the ring hold the title, she watches as Aaron walks up the ramp with Caitlin smiling at her as he mouths "You Can't Get Rid Of Me" Bayley is absolutely petrified that Aaron is actually alive and begin to fear for her, Finn's and Coby's life.  

Oh Sh*t Aaron Alive. What will Happen Next??? Will Aaron and Caitlin join forces to break Bayley and Finn up???? Who Will crack and end up in bed with there ex, Will it be Finn Or Bayley ???? Until Next Time xxx

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