I Can't Do This, I Love Finn To Much To Throw Away What We Have For You

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The Next Night

Bayley had left The room Finn and her where sharing at 8.30pm she told Finn that she was going on a Girl night out with Sasha,Charlotte and Becky. When Bayley arrived at Aaron's house she took some deep breathes in and out before quickly removing her wedding ring and putting it in the glove compartment before exiting the Car.

When she got to his door she took in a deep breath before she knocked on door. The door quickly open and stood in the doorway was her Ex Aaron.

Aaron- Bayley, see you keep your word 

Bayley gave a half smiled at Aaron before walking into his house before hearing the door close She stood there for several seconds before she felt Aaron lips on her neck. He ran his hands the way  down and lightly traced the outline of her wide hips with his hands.

 His hand ran over her body several times before he made a move, they slid up and lightly palmed her breast. She could feel her nipples harden, out of confusion she went to pull away but Aaron stopped Bayley.

Aaron-No, It's okay.I want to see what you promised me. Unless you don't want the match to be Cancelled, That cringe grin that he gave her when she arrived reappeared as he eyed her Breasts.

Bayley-Um...O-okay.. she said 

Aaron-Alright Good Girl 

He continued to knead one of her breast as his free hand slowly slid down her belly and in between her legs. He glanced up at her to find her eyes shut but he didn't stop. 

Bayley screeched at the sudden change and tried to get up but Aaron stopped her

Aaron- Hey,I want what you promised me 

 He grabbed her and kissed her wildly. His lips were warm and soft against hers. Their lips moved in unison before his tongue darted out and pushed against her lips.

His tongue gently brushed across hers as his other hand got a full cup of her other cheek. He scooped her up and carried her off to the nearest wall. He easily had her pinned as his hips began grinding and rolling over hers.

Suddenly Bayley used all her strength to push Aaron away from her, Aaron looked at her before trying to go back in to kiss her but Bayley pushed him away again.

Bayley- No Aaron 

Aaron- What Wrong?

Bayley- This, This was a mistake. I Can't Do This, I Love Finn To Much To Throw Away What We Have For You

Aaron- Then I'm Not cancelling the match 

Bayley- Fine because Finn will beat your sorry ass anyway. Goodnight Aaron 

Bayley Swiftly exited Aaron house and got back in her car and drove home 

Monday Night Raw

Micheal cole- OMG I Cant believe what I'm seeing right now 

Corey Graves- This is an Outrage for the WWE Universe 

Renee Young- Aaron Solow has just beaten Finn Balor for the universal title. Congrats Aaron

Corey Graves- Don't congratulate him Renee. Cathy caused a distraction by jumping Bayley and when Finn when to check on her Aaron took his chance and pinned him. But he cheated he and Cathy fought dirty to win 

Micheal Cole- Shh Aaron Got something to say 

Aaron- Hey Finn look I'm the new universal champ. Your reign didn't last long. I told you I would be the better man and look like i am. But before I go I wanna show you something.

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