You and This Little One Are My Priorities Now

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A Few Months Later 

Today was the day Finn and Bayley were going to find out what Gender they were having. Bayley is now 5 and a half months gone and is enjoying her experience of being pregnant even thought she hate the morning sickness that come with it. Finn is also enjoying his new experience with his wife. As for Aaron no one has seen him since the day he attacked Cathy. 

Bayley sat nervously in the doctor office with Finn awaiting her scan, Finn could tell how nervous she was. He grab her hand and entwined her hand with his.

Finn-Whatever happens whether it a boy or a girl , I love you

Bayley-  Love you too she said as she leaned in and kissed him

Suddenly Bayley name was called for her ultrasound scan,Finn stood up and held out his hand


Bayley took in a deep breath before taking Finn hand and standing up out of her seat

Bayley- Ready

Bayley walked in to the room with Finn and laid on the chair, she rolled her top up before the nurse placed some cold jelly on her small bump.

Nurse- Ok so we are finding out the sex of your baby today is that correct?

Bayley- Yes 

Nurse- Ok, so what i'm going to check how the baby is today and then will find out what the sex of your baby is. So just sit back and relax

Bayley- Ok

Bayley held a tight grip on Finn hand as the nurse began the scan. She laid there looking at Finn for most of the scan as he resured her everything will be fine.

Nurse- Ok Bayley and Finn if you look here you can see your baby and the Baby is the right measurement and weight for 5 and a half months gone. So shall we find out the Sex of this baby 


Bayley- Yes Please 

Nurse- Ok give me a minute 

Bayley- Ok 

Nurse-  Congratulation Bayley and Finn your having a Baby Boy 

Finn- Oh My God 

Bayley- It's a boy 

Nurse- Yes congratulation. She said as she sat Bayley up. Here is your next appointment. I'll give you two a minute and i'll leave your next appointment date at the front.


Bayley- Thank you

Finn got up and hugged his wife who cried into his chest as they hugged.

Finn-What wrong?

Bayley- Nothing I'm just so happy, I can't believe we having a boy 

Finn- I know And You and This Little One Are My Priorities Now he said placing his hand on her small bump

Bayley- I love you she said before kissing and hugging him

Elsewhere Cathy had Just returned home from a live event, That night Cathy invited Dasha and Renee over for a good catch up session completed with pizza and beers:

Cathy- So how has being on Smack down been Dasha?

Dasha- Good thanks but I miss hanging out with you two 

Cathy- Yeah I know I miss you too

Renee- Me too we need to get you on Raw 

Dasha- Maybe you could ask Vince, Renee 

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