Please Tell Me She'll Be Ok

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After the Car Crash, Bayley and Finn were rushed to hospital. Bayley was immediately rushed into theater as she had sustained Severe and possible life changing injuries. Finn was taken to urgent care to have his wound on his head looked at and stitched up, But Finn didn't want to be treated he just wanted to know how Bayley was.

Finn- Look Do you have any new about my friend Bayley that was brought in with me 

Nurse- All I know is that she was taken into surgery on arrival 

Finn-I need to go and find her he said getting up of the hospital bed 

Nurse- No you need to let me treat that wound on your head 

As Finn tried to leave the hospital cubical he was in without being treated, He quickly saw a small figure women with long magenta hair stood there in front of him. 

Sasha- Finn 

Finn- Sasha

Sasha walked over to Finn and pulled him in to a hug, Finn began to break down in Sasha's arm it was killing him not knowing how Bayley was.

One Hour Later

Finn and Sasha were sat in the waiting room, Waiting on news about Bayley. She had been in theater for three and a half hours, As Finn looked up at the clock on the wall Dr West came in the room.

Finn- Hello Dr how's Bayley?

Dr West- She stable now but she still unconscious. We moved her to the intensive care unit so she can be check on 24/7. But she sustained quite a severe bleed on the brain, which we have now stopped but we don't know what that has done to her brain only time will tell.

Sasha-So when do you think we will know whether she sustained any permanent damage

Dr West- We will know when she wakes up but I have to warn you Finn and Sasha, Bayley could have sustained life-changing injuries. She could wake up and not be able to walk,speak and she could have little to no memory; she could also suffer seizures I just want to prepare you two for this.

Finn- Do you think she ever be able to wrestle again.

Dr West- I'm sorry Finn but it highly unlikely whether Bayley has sustained life changing injuries or not.

Later that night Finn was sat by Bayley's bedside, he hated himself for what had happen to her, he would give anything to switch places with her. Finn held her hand in a tight grip as he looked at her in the unconscious state with tubes coming out of in her mouth Finn started to cry.

Finn- I know I can't undo what happened to you but just know if i could I would in a heartbeat and don't worry I will be here when you wake up and here for you through every step of your recovery. So You need to hurry up and wake up Bayley because I can't lose my Best friend.

All of a sudden Sasha walked through the door, Finn wiped the tears from his eyes as Sasha came and sat down next to him. Finnn was still looking at Bayley when he felt Sasha place her hand on his hand.

Sasha- She'll be ok Finn she a fighter

Finn- you don't know that

Sasha- No I don't but I believe she will get through this. Why don't you go back to the hotel and have a shower and get some sleep.

Finn- I can't I need to be here incase she wakes up

Sasha-If she wakes up I'll call you

Finn- Ok. I'll be back soon he said as he kissed Bayley on the forehead before leaving her room 

After leaving the hospital, Finn went back to his hotel to have a shower before he went to bed. He kept going over the same flashback in his sleep him and Bayley laughing before he looked at Bayley as he saw the glowing smile on her face quickly begin to fade and a glimpse of horror became glazed over her face before she turned to Finn and scream out his name, BAYLEY  Finn shouted as he woke up sweating and his heart racing. He got up and checked his phone there was a voice message from Sasha.

Sasha- Finn you need to get here as soon as possible something is wrong with Bayley

Finn got up out of bed and quickly threw his shirt on before grabbing his jacket before he left the hotel. He later arrived at the hospital and went up to the ward Bayley was on. As He got to her room he saw Sasha stood by Bayley's Bedside with tears in her eyes.

Finn-Sasha I got your message what's wrong with Bayley?

Sasha -Dr West came and spoke to me after you left He found something Bayley's test Results 

Finn-What is it Sasha, is Bayley ok?

Sasha-He told Me that there's a strong possibility that Bayley could be paralyzed from the waist down

Finn- Oh my god He said as he fell against the wall. She can't be paralyzed 

Sasha-Dr West said We won't know until she is awake. 

Oh My God What Will Happen??? Will Bayley Be Paralyzed??? How will Finn Cope with the possibility of Bayley being Paralyzed??? Will Worst news be delivered to Finn and Sasha about their best friend Bayley??? Until Next Time xxxx

She Meant More To Me Than Just Being My FriendWhere stories live. Discover now