My Love, My Life and My Finn

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After arriving at the hospital Finn was taken in to surgery to mend the wound he got from Aaron Stabbing him. Finn was then put into a induced Coma. Bayley felt awful seeing the state she had landed her husband in all because of Aaron, as she sat beside his bedside watching the machine breathing for Finn, Bayley broke down.

Bayley- I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you Finn. But you need to wake up because I don't know how I can go on without you.

Bayley Kissed Finn on the forehead before walking out of his room, however Bayley was unaware that standing outside Finn's room was Caitlin. Caitlin waited for Bayley to leave the ward before going into Finn's room. 

Caitlin- Oh Finn what has Aaron done to you. he knew I loved you why would he do this to you. But don't worry I'm gonna be here when you wake up unlike your wife Bayley.

Caitlin Starts to kiss a comatose Finn before cuddling up to Finn in his bed, She then climbs on top of Finn careful to not touch his wounds she snuggles into him as she starts to kiss him all over his face.

Suddenly Bayley walks back into the room after going to the toilet and snaps when she sees Caitlin on top of a comatose Finn.


Bayley's anger explodes as she grabs Caitlin pulling her off Finn and they have a bitch fight right there next to Finn in the room, before security removes Caitlin.

Bayley- Stay the Hell away from Finn

 Bayley then hears coughing as she turns to see Finn opening his eyes, She calls a nurse who removes Finn's breathing tube before grabbing hold of Finn and hugging him as she cries tears of joy.

Finn- What happened?

Bayley- Aaron Stabbed you after I knocked Caitlin out 

Finn- Where are they now?

Bayley- Aaron's Dead and Caitlin just got throw out of here 

Finn- Why?

Bayley- She climbed on top of you and was kissing you all over while you where in a coma. 

Finn- Well that doesn't matter all that matter is you. Come here 

Finn opens his arms, Bayley goes into his arms as Finn starts to cuddled her 

Finn- I love you and no one will ever come between us ever again 

 Meanwhile Caitlin is scheming up a new plan to get Finn to be with her and not Bayley.

A few weeks later 

It has been a few weeks now and Finn is finally well enough to go back one the Road. Bayley and Finn dropped Evie-May and Coby off at Finn parent's house before heading to Tampa for there live event tomorrow night.

After leaving Leonie and Fintan house Bayley and Finn drive for 4 hours before arriving at there hotel. Finn decided he would go and workout after dropping Bayley off at the performance centre. 

After Finn workout he returned back to the hotel room him and Bayley were sharing, Finn  walks in to find a candle lit dinner set up and Finn thinks it's Bayley surprising him but when he walks into the bedroom he sees Caitlin on the bed in sexy lingerie. 

Finn- Caitlin what the hell 

Caitlin- Hi Finn you like what you see 

Finn- No Caitlin you need to leave now 

Caitlin jumps off of the bed and walks up to him and tries to seduce Finn but Finn pushes her away 

Finn- No Caitlin 

Caitlin- Come on, You know deep down you want to be inside me she said as her hand snakes down his body grabbing him 

Finn- No get off of me he said trying to push her off 

Suddenly Bayley walks into the bedroom thinking Finn set up the whole candlelit dinner but she immediately loses it when she sees Caitlin in nothing but revealing lingerie all over Finn trying to grab him there as Finn is pulling away from her telling her to leave. 

Bayley grabs Caitlin by the hair throwing her off Finn and onto the floor before Finn grabs Bayley stopping her from doing anything.

Caitlin- Ohh Bayley Angry cause you know your man has a hard on and want to fuck me.


Suddenly Bayley jumps on Caitlin getting on top of her punching Caitlin with force before Finn grabs Bayley pulling her off. 

Finn- Leave NOW 

Caitlin- Fine But you might wanna keep your dog wife on a lead 

Bayley- Hey Caitlin 

Caitlin- What?

Bayley- Finn only gets rock hard for me and I can prove it

 Bayley turns to Finn without warning Bayley wraps her arm around him and starts to kiss Finn throwing her leg around his waist and Finn falls hard as he grabs her thigh that is around his hip squeezing it in his hand as he moans into Bayley's mouth and Bayley smiles against his lips as she feels him getting hard, really hard before she pulls back and Finn whines that she pulled away.

 Bayley proudly shows Caitlin Finn's reaction to her as Finn gets embarrassed of his huge hard on. Caitlin stands there shocked. 

Bayley- Now do what Finn said LEAVE NOW 

 Caitlin walks out of the room before hearing the door shut behind her as she begin to break down knowing her plan has yet again failed.

Back inside the room Finn bent down and kissed the top of her breasts and his hand started to massage her clit. After a few minutes of passionate kissing he broke the kiss and removed her panties and pulled his boxers down exposing his erect penis.

Finn pushed himself inside his wife filling her up completely, he started moving in and out of her as he reclaimed her lips. Each thrust increasing energy as he began pumping inside her, her hips moved in sync with his thrust inviting him in for more, she wrapped her feet round his rear end as he began to pick up speed.

Bayley- I need to Cum Finn

Finn-Cum for me

Bayley wrapped her arms underneath his arm and hold on to his shoulder tight as they both cum together. Bayley came undone and start convulsing under Finn's thrusts, kisses and his touch. He moan as he releases himself inside of Bayley's delicate flower, Finn pulls Bayley to him pressing his lip on to hers

Caitlin Hears moan and groans coming from inside the room she stares at the door before saying "You will be mine Finn, Mark My Words" she places her hand on the door before walking away.

What Will Happen Next???? Will Caitlin Next Plan be Successful???? How Will Finn and Bayley React to Caitlin's Actions???? How Will Finn and Bayleys return to Raw go???? Until Next Time xxx

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