It's All A Lie, Bayley Is Telling the Truth About That Night

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After Aaron Had told Finn and the WWE Universe about him and Bayley night together, He wandered backstage with Cathy.

Cathy- What was that out there 

Aaron- What do you mean?

Cathy- I mean you recorded us the night we slept together 

Aaron- Well I set it up cause I assumed it would be Bayley I was fucking not you.

Cathy- Oh So I was used purely cause Bayley wouldn't sleep with you.

Aaron- Look I'm Sorry I didn't warn you about it but our plan worked.

Cathy- What do you think will happen now?

Aaron- They will break up and I'll have Bayley and Finn will be all yours. Especially after I tell Bayley Finn cheated on her with you and your pregnant with his child.

Cathy- But it not Finn's, it's your Aaron 

Aaron- Well they don't need to know. Do you want Finn or not?

Cathy- Yes 

Aaron- Ok So we continue with our plan 

Meanwhile Bayley had chased Finn all the way back to his locker room, she tried to reason with him and tell him what Aaron had told him wasn't true and it was all lies and the the baby is his not Aaron's. But Finn didn't want to know.

Bayley- Finn please believe me. I didn't sleep with him 

Finn- Shut up Bayley, You are nothing more than a bare faced liar. Hope you enjoy your life with Aaron 

Finn grabbed his stuff and handed his wedding ring to Bayley before walking out of the locker room. The minute the door shut Bayley broke down in tears she had truly lost the man she loved.

A Few Days Later 

Bayley was at the gym working out, when Aaron arrived he saw Bayley and decided to tell her about Finn. He walked over to her.

Bayley- What do you want?

Aaron- I need to tell you something

Bayley- What?

Aaron- It's About Finn 

Bayley- Spit it out Aaron 

Aaron- You shouldn't feel guilty about cheating on Finn 

Bayley- One I didn't cheat on him and you know that and two, why?

Aaron- Because Finn cheated on you with Cathy and Cathy is now pregnant with Finn's baby.

Bayley- I don't believe you Aaron 

Aaron- Fine go ask him if you don't believe me 

Bayley- I will 

Bayley walks over to Find Finn doing press ups she doesn't want to believe it.

Bayley- Hey can we talk?

Finn- Oh you got more lies to tell me have you 

Bayley-No I've got something to ask you 

Finn- Shoot 

Bayley- Did You cheat on me with Cathy 

Finn- Your Joking right?

Bayley- No I'm Not 

Finn- No Cause unlike you I can keep it in my trousers 

Bayley- Ok that was a bit uncalled for 

Finn- No it wasn't and the fact that you think I've now sleep with someone just because you decided to throw our marriage away for one night with him he said pointing at Aaron who was watching the pair argue. Is harsh and hurtful to me.

Bayley- Then why is Cathy Pregnant with your baby Finn

Finn- She isn't because I never slept with her. This is more lie from him which you are stupid enough to believe. 

Bayley- I'm Stupid for believing him 

Finn- Yeah you are.

All of a Sudden Aaron is left in shock as Cathy walks in, Bayley clocks her and rushes over to Cathy shouting and screaming at her.

Bayley- How could you sleep with him 

Cathy- Bayley I-

Bayley- You what?

Cathy- Aaron is Lying to you, Just like he lied you Finn about that night 

Aaron- Cathy Don't 

Cathy- No they need to know the truth, This Baby isn't Finn Bayley it's Aaron.

Bayley- What?

Cathy- That night you came over and didn't go through with having sex with Aaron. Me and him got drunk after you left and ended up having Sex. So Finn It's All A Lie, Bayley Is Telling the Truth About That Night. Aaron tricked you into believing that Bayley cheated on you and that her  baby is Aaron's but the reality is That baby is your Finn and I was on that recording not Bayley. 

All of a sudden Aaron comes flying and Cathy throwing her to the floor before kicking and stamping on her 


Finn gets angry and run at Aaron before pulling him away from Cathy as he start to beat the crap out of him 


Finn throws Aaron to the ground before running over and picking Cathy up and rushing to the hospital with Bayley. When they get to the hospital Cathy is immediately rushed in to a room and has an ultrasound performed on her. But Sadly Cathy,Finn and Bayley are told there is no heartbeat and that Cathy has suffered a miscarriage. 

Bayley- I'm So sorry Cathy 

Finn- I'm so sorry 

Cathy- It My fault this happened 

Bayley- It's Not 

Finn- Aaron did this, Don't beat yourself up. Do you want us to take you home 

Cathy- It's Fine I'll Get a cab but thanks for everything and I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused between you two

Bayley- You didn't cause any trouble Aaron did.

Cathy- It may take me some time to get over this but I will and After what Aaron did to me to his child today I'm glad he not in my life anymore. See you around 

Bayley- Bye, Call us if you need anything 

Finn- Safe journey home 

Bayley- Look I'm sorry about earlier 

Finn- Don't be, Aaron manipulated you just like he did with me. Let just forget everything that we did and said to each other and start to live a happy marriage and life with this little one he said placing his hand on her stomach. 

Bayley- I would like that but...

Finn- But What?

Bayley- Well if we going to have a happy marriage you'll need this she said handing him his wedding ring. 

Finn- Thanks 

Bayley- Why don't we go and have an ultrasound done of this little one 

Finn- Let go.

Finn and Bayley go for their first ultrasound, Bayley hold Finn hand as the Nurse looks at the Baby, she tells Finn and Bayley that their baby has a very strong heartbeat before turning the screen round to show them their future son or daughter. 

Bayley- Oh my god. 

Finn- Hello little one 

Bayley- I love you 

Finn- I love you too he said before kissing her. This is us now, you, me and this little one 

Aww Baylor is back together. What Will happen Next??? Will Aaron reappear again and start trouble or Will someone else try to medal and break Baylor??? Will Finn continue to wrestle or step away to help Bayley??? Will Baylor Have a Boy or Girl ???? Until Next time xxx

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