This Couldn't Of Happened At A More Perfect Time

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A Few weeks Later 

For the last few weeks since the PPV Bayley has been feeling unwell and quite nauseous she has missed the live events over the weekend due to this. She had been waiting anxiously for Finn to return home so she could tell him what the doctors said. 

Finn- Babe I'm Home 

Bayley- Hey how was the shows 

Finn- Good would of been better if you had been there 

Bayley- Oh sorry baby. I need to talk to you about something 

Finn- What is it he said sitting down on the sofa with Bayley 

Bayley- I went to the doctors yesterday because I been really sick and unwell this past few weeks 

Finn- Yeah and what did they say?

Bayley- They told me That I'm....

Finn- Your what?

Bayley- I'm Pregnant 

Finn- What Bayley that amazing why were you so worried about telling me?

Bayley- I didn't know how you would react 

Finn- Bayley I love you and This Couldn't Of Happened At A More Perfect Time

Bayley- So your pleased?

Finn- Of course I'm Pleased I'm gonna be a dad and you are gonna be the greatest mum ever to this little one he said resting his hand on her belly 

Bayley- Thanks

Finn- How far along are you did they say 

Bayley- They said i'm 8 week i'll be 9 weeks gone on Saturday 

Finn- ok we should let Hunter and Stephanie know 

Bayley- Yeah we should.

That night after talking to Hunter and Stephanie and telling them the news that Bayley and Finn were expecting their first child and were due to announce it to the WWE Universe on Monday Night Raw. Bayley and Finn laid in bed cuddling one other.

Bayley- I'm really scared about announcing our news 

Finn- Don't be, Everything gonna be alright. 

Finn and Bayley later fell asleep cradling one another in their arms.

Monday Night Raw 

Bayley was getting ready to go out and announce her new to the WWE Universe when Aaron walked into the locker room, Bayley didn't realise Aaron was watching her stalking her like a predictor stalks their prey. 

 Suddenly He grabbed her and kissed her wildly. His lips were warm and soft against hers. Their lips moved in unison before his tongue darted out and pushed against her lips.

His tongue gently brushed across hers as his other hand got a full cup of her other cheek. He scooped her up and carried her off to the nearest wall. He easily had her pinned as his hips began grinding and rolling over hers. 

Suddenly Bayley used all her strength to push Aaron away from her, Aaron looked at her before trying to go back in to kiss her but Bayley pushed him away again.

Bayley- What The Fuck Aaron 

Aaron- Come on Bayley 

Bayley- NO WHAT PART OF WE WILL NEVER BE TOGETHER DO YOU NOT GET. She screamed before pushing Aaron out of the way and exiting the locker room. unbeknown to Bayley someone was stood filming her and Aaron kiss.

Bayley and Finn stood in the centre of the Ring as chants rang out from the WWE Universe.

Finn- Me and Bayley Stand here before The WWE Universe tonight to announce our new to you. 

Bayley- Me and Finn found out over the weekend that we are having a baby. I am currently stepping down as I am 8 weeks pregnant and am no longer able to compete.

Chants of "This Is Awesome" rang out through the arena but was quickly silenced as Aaron music hit and he walk out to the ramp with Cathy Kelly.

Aaron- Congratulations you guys but Finn Your wife hasn't been very faithful to you 


Aaron- Well I can assure you this isn't bullshit 

Finn See a Vid of Bayley and Aaron Kissing one another 

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Finn See a Vid of Bayley and Aaron Kissing one another 

Aaron- She couldn't keep her hands of me Finn. Oh and Bayley you say your 8 weeks pregnant and that Finn is the dad right?

Bayley- Yes Finn is the father to my child 

Aaron- Have you forgotten what happened 8 weeks ago. I'll refresh you memory, You spent the night with me.

Finn- Bayley Said she left. She never slept with you Aaron, That child is mine 

Aaron- Then take a listen to this

Aaron gave a signal and the audio was played around the arena to the WWE Universe and to Finn and Bayley stood in the ring. The entire arena gasped as they heard moans and Groan ring out through the arena.

Aaron- She Lied to you Finn, she been having an affair behind your back and now is pregnant with my child

After Aaron and Cathy left the ramp and went backstage Finn was stood in the ring with Bayley who Trying to tell him she hasn't had an affair with Aaron and the child is his.


Bayley- Finn it's not true please you have to believe me 


 He climbed out the ring and walked backstage leaving Bayley stood in the ring. 

Oh No What Will Happen Next???? Will Finn and Bayley Be able to mend their Broken relationship or is it broken for good???? Is Bayley Lying about the night with Aaron or is He??? Until Next Time xxxx

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