You Need To Tell Me If Something Is Going On

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Few Days Later

It has been a few days since Aaron came to visit Bayley and tried to convince her to leave Finn and be with him. Bayley has been on edge ever since that night and couldn't wait for Finn to return home from live events. 

Bayley was upstairs in her bedroom getting dress when her phone went ding, she picked it up expecting to see a text from Finn but when she opened the message it was a picture of her naked backside from the window she was stood at, She then got another message underneath the photo saying I'm watching you. Bayley quickly looked out of the window to see her Ex Aaron stood across the road waving at her before he started walking towards the house, she dropped her phone and ran downstairs locking the front door before he got to it. Bayley slid down beside the door and started to cry as she began to hear her Ex knocking at the door.

Aaron- Bayley Open up, I know your in there 

Bayley- Leave me Alone 

Aaron- I'm never going to leave you. You will be mine 

He said before walking away from the door. After he had left Bayley sat and Cried she was so scared to be alone in her home. 

Few Hours Later 

Finn had returned back from his week of live events and could not wait to see his wife Bayley. As he approached the door he noticed a envelope stuck to the door he pulled it off and walked in to the house.

Finn- Bayley, I'm home 

Bayley- Hi Babe, I'll be down in a minute 

Finn- Ok 

As Finn was waiting for Bayley, he opened the letter thinking it was from her. Finn pulled the letter out and read it. It said:


You can Run and Hide for now. But in the end I'll have you no matter who stand in my way 

Finn was shocked who was Stalking and threatening his wife.

Finn- Bayley, Can you come down here 

Bayley- What up. She said walking down the stairs to greet her husband 

Finn- What is this he said as he gave the letter to her 

Bayley Read the letter with a shock and scared expression slowly appearing on her face 

Bayley- Where did you find this?

Finn- It was stuck to the door, I thought it was from you. You need to tell me if something is going on

Bayley- Can we Just please forget about this for tonight?

Finn- No Bayley What is going on?

Bayley- Aaron came to see me the other night, he tried to force himself on me and ever since I rejected him and told him I loved you not him. He has been Stalking me, He sent this to me this morning she said handing her phone to Finn

Finn- Why didn't you tell me this was going on? he said looking at the pictures on her phone 

Bayley- Because I didn't want to worry you and..... 

Finn- And What??

Bayley- I was scared that if I told you that You wouldn't be on the road anymore because of me 

Finn- But Bayley I would rather be here looking after you and protecting you from Aaron than worry that he may hurt you when I'm not here. Look I'm gonna ask Triple H if  I take a week off from Raw and Live events.

Bayley- No see this is what I didn't want.

Finn- Then what do you want. Do you want Aaron to attack you when I'm not here.

Bayley- Um ...I...

Finn- I wanna protect you,  I know what he did to you when you two were together. It was disgusting, It was inhumane and he isn't going to come near you ever again I'll make sure of it.

Bayley- Thanks she said hugging him 

Finn- You don't need to thank me, You my wife and I promised on our wedding day to love and protect you no matter what.

Bayley looked up into his eyes as he met her gaze, he caressed her face wiping away her tears before lifting her chin up and kissing her slowly. After a few minutes Bayley broke the kiss and gave Finn a half smile.

Bayley- So anyway, how was Live events?

Finn- Good, But I found out I'm going to be Seth Rollin, Roman Reign, Miz and Daniel Bryan at Extreme rules in a extreme rules match in a steel cage.

Bayley- That amazing, I'm so proud of you

Finn- Thanks, Now lets go snuggle up in bed and i'll even watch your favourite movie 

Bayley- Really?

Finn- Anything for you 

He said before he leaned in to kiss her again She kissed him back with so much need, After a few minutes of them kissing  Bayley pulled away and led Finn by the hand upstair into their bedroom. 

What Will Happen Next???? Will Finn Protect his Wife Bayley from her Ex Aaron Or Will he finally get his hands on her???? Will Finn Retain the Universal Championship Or Will Something happen that mean he loses the Title???? Until Next Time xxx

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