This Isn't The End It's Only The Beginning

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Today was the day of the Extreme rules PPV where Finn would challenge Aaron for the universal Championship in a No DQ anything goes match. Finn and Bayley arrived at the arena greeting fans before going and getting ready for the match tonight.

Bayley was on her way to catering when she was suddenly pulled into a dark room and pinned to the wall. Then the light when on to reveal Aaron stood up against Bayley and Cathy stood by the door.

Bayley- Aaron let me go 

Aaron- In a minute but first I thought I would have a little chat with you about the match tonight about what I intend to do to Finn. But it can all be stopped all you have to do is have some alone time with me 

Bayley- NO

Aaron- Then I'm gonna have to hurt your Finny. Shame you won't be around to watch 

Suddenly Aaron threw Bayley to the floor, she looked up to see Cathy smiling at her before kicking her in the face. She then delivered a hard kick to Bayley's stomach causing her to fall to the floor, Aaron undid the belt from around his trousers and gave it to Cathy who  started to whip Bayley over and over as she screamed out in pain. She didn't stop until Bayley was almost motionless.

Aaron- Just remember what I do to Finn tonight is on you

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Aaron- Just remember what I do to Finn tonight is on you. 

One hour later 

Finn rushed to the medics room as he had heard Bayley had been found pretty badly beaten. He walked into the medics room and was met by Sasha Banks.

Finn- What happened?

Sasha- I don't know Me and Becky found her like this 

Finn walked over to Bayley who was laying on one of the beds in alot of pain. Finn gently held her hand as he leaned down to kiss her forehead.

Finn- Who did this to you?

Bayley- Aaron and Cathy 

Finn- Right you stay here.

Bayley- No I need to be out there with you

Finn- No you need to rest. Stay here.

Sasha- What are you going to do Finn?

Finn- I'm gonna show Aaron why you never mess with a Demon 

Aaron and Cathy were stood in the ring when All of a sudden the lights go out and the Arena hear the heartbeat sound out with red lights flashing then the lights come back on to reveal Finn is his Demonic form stood in the ring. The minute the bell rings Finn runs at Aaron throwing him over the top rope. As Finn is on the apron waiting to elbow dive Aaron,Cathy jumps up onto the apron and slaps Finn causing Aaron to throw a cheap kick to Finn knee throwing him from the apron on to the floor. As Cathy is stood ringside laughing at Finn suddenly Bayley jumps on her and begins to attack her at ringside knocking her out. 

As Bayley runs to check on Finn Aaron comes up behind her and grabs a fist full of her hair pulling her towards him, Bayley quickly turns and slaps the taste out of his mouth.

Bayley- That what you get for doing what you did to me earlier 

 As Aaron is holding his cheek he goes to make another move towards Bayley again but this time the Demon Finn attacks him with Demonic rage for touching Bayley. 

As the Demon goes to the top rope to deliver the coup de gra, Cathy gets up and again tries to interfere by grabbing Finn's foot, but Bayley knocks her out before she delivers a Bayley to belly.

 Finn Finally hits his finishing move before pinning Aaron, The crowd chant 1..2..3 As Finn is declared the Winner of the Match and the New Universal champion. 

Bayley runs into the ring and  jumps into his arms with her legs wrapped around his waist before they kiss each other in the ring. 

Aaron and Cathy are stood at the top of the ramp watching Finn and Bayley celebrate. The pair look at Aaron who mouths This Isn't The End It's Only The Beginning to them before walking backstage with Cathy. 

Bayley- Congrats you won I'm so Proud of you she said as she kissed him

Finn- I love you 

Bayley- I love you Too 

Finn Beat Aaron Yay !!! What Will Happen Next??? Will Aaron and Cathy continue to interfere in Bayley and Finn's relationship???? Will Aaron next attempt at Bayley Success or Fail???? Will there be a surprise in store for Finn and if so what do you guys think it is???? Until Next Time xxx

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