complications and feelings

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everyone's starting school??? and i'm like school starts next week????

this chapter is shit ?????

and it continues from the last chapter??????


"...Calum?" he flinched at the sound of his mother's voice. He didn't mean to, it's just, it's sort of like an instinct when people interrupt his mind from wandering any further.

Yeah. That's it.

"Yes?" He straightened up in his seat from the backseat of the car. He looked at his mother a bit timidly as she raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow, dark brown eyes set on him.

"You haven't been listening to anything I've been saying, am I correct?"

"I'm sorry." he wanted to lower his head out of embarrassment and the intense gaze she had on him but he couldn't, because it would be disrespectful.

"It's...fine, I was just asking how your weekend at Harry's was?"

'It was fantabulous because I went to see 5 Seconds of Summer and they were amazing and so was Paramore you know but then you probably don't know but Harry and Kennedy got me backstage passes and whatnot and I got to meet the boys and Jesus Christ they're hotter in real life and their tattoos are beautiful and you know I met my idols -'

"- You didn't get in trouble did you? He didn't make you do anything you didn't want to do, right?"

Calum froze for a second, but it's not like he was moving anyway. "Y - yeah, nothing happened."

"Are you positive, Calum? I'm not sure if I can trust this Harry boy -"

'But you've met him before, right?'

"- he's the type that wouldn't care if he broke the rules, right? -"

'He's actually wary of them, thank you.'

"- wouldn't care if he got in trouble -"

'He would care. Harry's like that.'

"- having a girl, a girl over at his house without any adult supervision -"

"Mother," Calum said weakly, his head betraying him as he hung it low, looking down at his lap. All of this sudden judgment on his best friend was confusing him, making his chest feel tight. Usually it would just find its way into the conversation and by that time he was already blocking both of his parent's voices out.

"Yes?" she stopped talking.

"He wouldn't - Harry wouldn't do that -"

"How would you know that, Calum?"

Calum to keep his breathing under control like all of the previous times. "I know him better than anyone. I wouldn't let him get in trouble. He's one of my best friends."

She made a 'tsk' noise. "Some people are very good at hiding secrets. Do you really think he'd he do the same for you even if you are best friends? Not that you would ever think of doing anything bad. You can never be so sure on who you trust, Calum, you need to understand -"

"Mother," Calum said again, more sternly this time. But he didn't lift his head because he was angry, he was sad, he's felt this way before but never all at once. Tears were threatening to spill because he wasn't doing anything, just letting his mother say these things - the tears would escape his eyes if he did dare look her in the eyes. Calum was usually really good at brushing off comments likes these, it's happened a lot. But they haven't ever gone this far.

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