memories and urgency

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i'm sosososo sorry this is late (to those reading this?), urgh. it's also a bit of a filler, sorry >.< and i can't remember if i said calum's an only child....oh well.


Calum doesn't remember much from yesterday.

Except for the fact that he had met his idols and wow, he felt like he was in heaven. And Luke Hemmings gave him his phone number. It's strange, really, it all happened in a blur and he was out for two minutes. Yet him being Calum, he wouldn't get over the shock until days - maximum, a week - later of meeting his all time favorite band. Because who would've thought he held (small) conversations with the band? Or that he would actually get Luke Hemmings' phone number? It must be some kind of mistake.

They're playing games with him. It can't be real.

It can't be real.

It can't be real.

'It can't be real', Calum thought before he went to sleep yesterday. What are the odds Luke would give Calum his phone number? Surely there are other more interesting people Luke would rather give his phone number to, but, he gave it to Calum. It means something, right? Right.

Calum wanted to stay in the bliss he was in at the moment but it was coming to an end quickly when he was hearing voices.


"Oh my god, Calum! Wake up!"

"This is urgent!"

"What's so -" he was cut off by his own yawn, "- what's so urgent that you had to wake me up?" Calum opened his eyes a bit to find himself way too close to the ceiling of Harry's room - where he was supposed to be staying.

Since when did Harry get bunk bends?

"Wait, guys, what is this?" He looked around to see that he was in the backseat of a car, and Harry and Kennedy were looking at him frantically from the front seats.

"We slept in the car! We slept in the car!" Kennedy freaked out while Harry looked at Calum.

"What's so bad about that, I mean, we didn't get kidnapped. Right?" he chuckled nervously then almost yelled, "Tell me we didn't get kidnapped!"

"No, no, we didn't get kidnapped." Calum sighed but Harry continued. "We fell asleep in my car."

"What's so bad abou -"

"Oh my god, Calum, it's 10 a.m.! Aren't your parents stopping by Harry's house to pick you up at 11?!" Once it all processed in his brain, Calum freaked out with Kennedy and Harry gave them no warning as he started the car and was speeding down the road.

"Harry! You're going over the speed limit!" Calum tried his best to put his seatbelt on without actually looking at it.

"I don't care! We'll get into so much trouble if we aren't at my house by 11, I don't want to imagine what'll happen if we don't make it, Calum!"

"Okay, okay, but we have an hour! Don't go so fast, please! You might get a ticket!"

"Does Anne know we went to the concert, Harry?" Kennedy asked Harry as she held on to the seat of her car.

"My mum knows we went, I begged her not to tell anyone, especially Calum's parents. I told her it was complicated when she asked me."

Kennedy nodded, unsure. "Okay."

Harry had slowed down his driving and was now at a lower risk of killing himself and his friends. As everyone was now lost in their own thoughts, the car fell into a comfortable silence that was soon broken because Kennedy had turned the radio on. And from the backseat of the car, the only words Calum could put together from the song was, 'I'm latching on to you.'

Calum decided now was a good idea to voice his thoughts. "You guys know this was the absolute best birthday present I could've ever asked for, right?"

Kennedy was the only one who turned around - duh, they would've crashed if Harry did - and she smiled at him like the Cheshire Cat. Calum could see Harry beaming.

"What can we say? We love our little Cally."

"Harry, you're younger than me."

"You're still our little Calum until you get your drivers license." Calum stuck his tongue out at Kennedy. She returned the gesture.

"You're just lucky you're older than us, Kennedy."


"It's times like these when I wonder if you really do love me..." Calum trailed off, and to add effect he looked out the window as if looking out into the distance. Too bad it's a sunny day.

Harry chuckled. "Calum! Of course we love you, you dimwit. Brothers and sisters make fun and annoy the heck out of each other, don't they? Yet they still love each other."

Calum sighed. "I guess? I mean, I remember Mali Koa and me being like that. My parents don't let her visit us."

"Oh my god, really? Why would they do that?" Kennedy asked. She really liked Calum's sister. She's cool, and the closest 'girl friend' she has. Even though Mali Koa is 20.

"They think she's a bad influence on me? I don't know..." Calum's voice got quieter every word. Harry wanted to snort out of the stupid reason Calum's parents wouldn't even let their own son see his sibling - their own daughter.

See, when Harry or Kennedy couldn't be there to comfort Calum, Mali Koa would be there like the great big sister she is. She'd always pick on Calum, Calum would annoy her, but at they end of the day, before they went to bed, they knew they'd each have a special place in the others' heart. Calum could confide on her with anything - which was why she was the first one to know Calum is gay. She was totally okay with it.

And now she's traveling the world before going to college. Calum thinks it's amazing, but his parents say otherwise. They say she's not going anywhere if she doesn't start college soon. But Mali Koa is doing her own thing, and she isn't letting her strict parents get in the way of her life.

So if you ask Calum who his idol is (beside 5sos, but he can't say them), he'll right away his older sister Mali Koa Hood.

"How much longer, Haz?"

"Um, about fifteen minutes."

"Okay." They (for real this time) stayed silent the rest of the way.


Fifteen minutes isn't much time for someone, but it passed by incredibly slow for them as they drove into the neighborhood. Harry's house was all the way at the end, the small, bright yellow house with the beautiful front and back yard. Anne likes her flowers and vegetables, you could say.

He stopped the car abruptly and gasped. Kennedy became alert of what was going on too. "Harry! Back up, back up! We can't go there, you have to park somewhere else, oh no -"

"Kennedy?" Calum asked quietly. "Whats going on?"

Harry was shaking, trying to back the car up. "Harry?"



"It looks like your parents decided to make an early appearance."


oooooo SHIET

calum is going to get busted.

anywhoreeee, i'm so sorry this is late. this is, like, the bad part of having parents that are the exact opposite of you - social butterflies. my parents go to their friends house more than i do. which equals no internet. should i cry? meh, i already did today when the 5SOS ALBUM FINALLY CAME OUT IN THE US jesus christ

but i'm a broke ass bitch, bitch, bitch so i couldn't get it.

let's not forget the fact that my parents scare the living shit outta me.


(HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK THIS ISN'T MUCH BUT 200+ READS? i didn't think anyone would read this, really.)

bye!!! (:

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