The Main Stage

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Troye POV

It’s finally time for our 'Joye' panel. The name is so cute, we'd be so cute together, Troye, stop thinking like that.

We are standing back stage and Joey Graceffa is introducing us, Jillian is pacing around. "Jilly, calm down," I grab her by the shoulder to stop her walking. "I'm sorry," she rushes her words, "I just pace a lot, but usually I don't have to stand and when I stand I pace, but when I sit I shake my leg or arm." 

"Don’t worry, just breathe. It’s easy." I place my forehead against hers, she sighs. "Okay?" I ask referring to John Green's novel, "okay." she giggles and we grabs hands and run onto the stage. 

The crowd starts to roar and Jillian's face lights up, her smile grows wide and her high cheek bones seem impossibly higher than normal, her eyes sparkle under the huge fluorescent lights and she just looks so content and so beautiful.

We sit down and she starts laughing, she leans over to me and whispers in my ear, "I'm so glad I came." I smile and we sit and wait for our questions to begin.

Joey sat on a stool in front of the couch we were sitting on, and he took some cards from his pocket.

"Hey Jillian, hey Troye!" he enthusiastically sang, "Alright we went to twitter for some questions, the first is, “Jillian would you date Troye if he wasn't gay”."

Jillian's face turned bright red, is she embarrassed? "Um," she squeaked into the mic, "I'd date him even if he was gay," she said this is a seductive voice and winked at me. My face is growing bright red and hot. 

"Woo!" Joey yells, "alright, Troye would you ever record a song with Jillian." 

"Yes I have always wanted to, but she has never been in Perth with my recording equipment. I really want to though." I give her a cheeky smile and she grabs my hand, squeezing it. 

We answer a few more questions and move on to truth or dare.


"Okay guys, the last dare, we dare you two to kiss." Joey exclaims, that son of a bitch. I turn and look at Jillian, she screams, "okay!" and locks eyes with me, she leans in and lightly pecks me on the lips, I would've deepened it if we weren't live on stage, but I kiss back lightly. We pull away our faces on fire and we jump up "Byeee!!!" we both yell and run off the stage.

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