Skype Calls

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*****A/N yay two updates in one day******
December 1st/ 15 Days until Hanukkah
Troye POV
I'm lying in bed with my laptop on my stomach an empty jar of Nutella on my bedside table and a bag of Cheetos on my other pillow. Being alone is pretty great but also upsetting.
It's the holidays and my family won't be home, so it's just me. At least I have my laptop, I've been scrolling endlessly on the Joye tags since June, I still can't get my mind off of the beautiful goddess.
My laptop dinged as a small banner appeared on the bottom of the screen reading "Jilly❤ is online" I quickly click the banner which redirected me to a video call with Jillian. She answers within 15 seconds of anxious screen staring, wearing a large christmas jumper, the greens and reds make her eyes look brighter, her hair in a messy bun with dark and lighter ombré bits sticking out.
"Troye my love!" her American accent yells, I can't help but have a huge grin plastered to my face, "hello gorgeous, even for someone who doesn't celebrate Christmas I love the jumper." I laugh, she snuggles her face into the jumper and smiles, "thanks Tim-Tam!" she giggles, I wish I could see her.
"How are you and Joey," I bite my tongue hoping they aren't together, she sighed, "we broke up about three weeks ago. It was mutual, we just thought we were better friends and fuck-buddies than boyfriend girlfriend." My heart leaped a bit, but also sank.
We talked about YouTube and my EP until the subject of the holidays came up.
"So Troye what are you doing for Hanukkah?" She tilts her small head, "Well I'm alone for all of Hanukkah." I say, playing with my own jumper, "awww Troye, that's sad. I wish i could come out there, cause I miss you, babe," she whines, in a non-annoying way. Suddenly an idea pops into my head, "hey Jilly?!" I yell, "yeah?" she asks looking at her nails.
"What are you doing for Christmas?" my leg shakes with excitement, she puts a finger on her lip and another tapping against her cheek thinking, "on the 22nd I'm going out to Michigan, and seeing my family, why?" she smiles. "Well since my family is out of town, I was wondering if you wanted to come out here and help me celebrate Hanukkah, even though your Catholic," I chuckle, "I can teach you the Jewish ways." She bits her lip, "on one condition," I will do anything for you to come out here, "what?" I try to act smooth.
"You have to come out here and celebrate Christmas with my family, even though you are Jewish," she mocks my previous comment.
"Okay, okay. If I must," I laugh and she bounces on her couch, "yayyy! I'm so excited to see my Troye. I'll get the earliest flight out there, shalom!" She says before waving 'goodbye' and ending the Skype call.
I can't wait, Joye is going to happen

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