Falling in hotel's lobby

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My lips are tingling from the previous contact and my mind is in shock. I can't believe we just did that, it was amazing. I wish I could do it again and again, to touch her soft cherry lips against my pink ones. She tasted like mint and watermelon, probably her lip gloss. I just keep reliving that moment, all the lights, the cheering, the fireworks, the sensation; I felt so at peace, so content.

I am not paying attention to anything going on until I feel a tug on the sleeve of my jumper, I jump and turn towards the force. Jillian is awkwardly standing beside me her shoulders shyly turned inward and her face is crimson, matching mine I'm assuming. She looks up at me with bright eyes, "I'm sorry I kissed you, I didn't think you'd mind," she squeaked, not looking at me in the eye. I fucked up didn't I? She has never acted like this around me. 

"It is 410% okay." her face lit up, "Don't worry, I know my kissing prowess can be intimidating." I joke; her face turns into a smirk. "You wish," she laughs, loops her arm into mine, and we begin our trip back to the elevator. Jillian wanted to run there, so I reluctantly agreed, when mid-sprint Jillian is suddenly yanking down on my arm almost pulling me to the floor.

Her eyes are wide and face is flushed, she's so cute and I start laughing, "oh my god Jillian! How'd you manage to do that?" I laugh even harder, "natural talent," she says giving me a solid bitch face. "Fuck," I hear her yell. She is still sitting on the floor with an obvious pained face, "what?" I ask worried. "I think I twisted it, it’s happened before. I just need to get back to my room." she says, "Troye, babe. Come here; let me use you as support so I can get up." 

"okay," I say and help her back up to her feet. We go to her floor and I realize we went the long way, "aw fuck!" I yell, "I know we took the long way," Jillian whispers. 

I have an idea and I am really too happy to do it. 

"Alright c'mere," I walk towards her shaky frame, "why?" she question, "cause," I exhale, "I'm gonna carry you there, dork." "Its fine,  Troye," she sighs, "no it not, Jillian." I eventually get her to oblige and I am carry her perfect little frame down the hallway like the princess she is, if only I was her prince. 

Jillian POV

I link arms with Troye and we head to the elevator, oh my god! Oh my sweet Jesus, Troye was okay with you kissing him, holy fucking cow. Okay breathe Jillian calm down, god I'm so freaking' glad I came to Vidcon.

We begin to race to the elevator still attached and right before we make it to the elevator my ankle twists after I step down wrong way and I crumple to the floor almost pulling Troye on top of me. He busts out laughing, "oh my god! Jillian how'd you manage to do that?" he sputters between fits of laughter, "natural talent," I say with an obviously pissed off look on my face. I try to stand but fall back onto the floor, "fuck!" I yell. 

"What?" Troye asks his eyes widening, “I think I twisted it, it’s happened before. I just need to get back to my room." I say, "Troye, babe. Come here let me use you as support so I can get up." 

"Okay," he says and helps me off the ground, I limp to the elevator and we go up to level 6. We get off and I realize we took the long way. Troye yells out "aw fuck," he realized it too.

"I know we took the long way," I mope. 

"Alright c'mere," Troye says moving his hands towards his body and walking towards me, "why?" I ask. 

"Cause," he says, "I'm gonna carry you there, dork," and he bends down.

"It’s fine Troye." I exclaim, "No it's not Jillian, I don't mind carrying you anyways. You are so tiny, it'll be easy."

"Are you sure," I squeak out, he smiles "positive?" I put my arm behind his neck and he wraps his arms from under legs to over them, and easily lifts me up, wow he really is perfect.

Unfortunately we get to my door and he lightly sets me down, "thank you, Troye-Boy" I smile.

I put the room key in and hobble to the bed. Troye follows me in and shuts the door, locking it. "Let me see," he says. "Its fine," I shrug, "like I said it has happened before, I just have screwed up joints, sometimes it's my knees, or hips, or even shoulders that do weird painful things."

"Hips?" he gives me his signature wink and a smirk, "Troye!" I screech, "Not like that!" giving his shoulder a slight push. "Jillian, I'm no doctor, but your ankle is swollen, and it looks sprained. You should go to the hospital to be sure though," Troye explains. "Aw fuck, I have a meet-up with you tomorrow and some singing dancing crap. Aw fuck, fuck! Fuck my ankle; fuck the floor, fuck gravity, just, god damnit. Fuck me!" I yell falling onto the bed, "gladly." Troye whispers to himself, I sit up shocked, Troye is looking at his phone, and I realize that he meant to say that to himself. "Well, um, sweetie, can you help me again. Cause there's no way I can make it to the parking lot." I give him my best puppy-dog face and he smiles, "alright let me pick you up." and he grabs me tight holding me close to his chest. I have my car keys, room key and wallet in my purse which is still attached to me, so we leave for my car immediately.

We get to my little car and Troye sets me down on the hood, "I'll drive," he confidently says holding his hand out for my keys, "honey, I'm a righty I hurt my left foot, I can still drive." he gives me a pout, "also, have you ever driven in America, is your license even legal over here?" he shrugs and I unlock the doors, we get in and start our drive to the nearest emergency room.

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