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I take two steps back, and smile up at him. This is the third time, I've met Troye and every time I see those crystal blue eyes I melt. "Hey Troye" I give Troye a long hug. We released and he exhaled, "sorry about that," I laugh, realizing I had squeezed his tiny frame too tight.

"Ya know for such a small girl, you are very strong," he giggles and rolls his shoulders popping the bones. But it's true being barely 5 feet tall and 100 pounds, I was strong. We start to walk down the hallway of the hotel we were staying in for Vidcon. We arrive at my hotel room, and we both walk in. I shut the door and take off my jacket and shoes. Troye lies down on the bed taking out his phone, "do you want something to drink?" I ask, opening the small mini-fridge. Hotels usually don't care if minors drink their alcohol.

"No thanks, I would want you to get in trouble," he says as he scrolls through Tumblr on his phone.

"Really?" I shoot him a look, he giggles and looks at me, "okay I wouldn't want to get you in trouble again."

"yeah after last time, 'come on Jillian no one will notice that we're both 19, we can totally sneak into the club with Tyler'." I say mocking his Australian accent.

He rolls his eyes, "shut up, I didn't say that. And I actually didn't mean for us to get caught," his silky Australian accent spoke. God, it was intoxicating I shrug the thought out of my mind and take a bottle out of the fridge and drink some. I hand him the bottle and he follows pursuit.

We finish two more bottles and are a bit tipsy. "Hey Jillian," he draws out my name, I looks up from my laptop, "yes?"

"We should go to that party in Zoe's hotel room, I mean all we are gonna do there is drink, which we are already doing here, might as well drink with friends, come 'on Jilly" he giggles, "Okay, fine. Only for you," I give him a small smile.

He gets up and grabs my hand and drags me off the bed, I put my Toms back on and follow Troye out the door.

I'm new to the YouTube crew so I'm nervous, everyone has been friends for a few years, and I am the newbie, actually the baby of the group. I'm younger than Troye by a few months.

We take the elevator down to level 4 and my anxiety rises with each floor the elavator lowers. The doors ding open and we begin to walk until we get to Alfie and Zoe's hotel room. Troye begins to pound on the door. And then began screaming two seconds after pounding, "Zoee, Alfie, Tylah, Joe, Louise, somebody!" extending the syllable.

A second later the door swung open, and Zoe squealed and engulfed Troye into a hug. I stood there awkwardly behind Troye.

"Oh my god Troye, I've missed you so much!" Zoe cheerfully jumps a bit and talks to Troye until she looks at me, "Jillian! Oh my god. It's nice to meet you. I am subscribe to your channel, and I love your videos." and just like that she gave me a tight squeeze, she was taller than me even shoeless, her small arms wrapped around my body and I hugged her back. I sighed a bit of relief and some of my anxiety went away.

"Thank you Zoe, that means a lot. And of course, I love your videos." I give her small smile and she grabs both me and Troye's arms and pulls us inside her room.

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