Lisa: Ferris Wheel

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It was a very warm evening so you and Lisa decided to spend it together by going to the local funfair. After you both had your early dinner, you arrived at the funfair and immediately got on the rides without wasting time.

After about an hour of going on rides and eating cotton candy and other unhealthy stuff, Lisa dragged you to the entrance of the giant ferris wheel for the one last ride.

"Come on babe, it's the last one i promise" Lisa pouted while holding both of your hands.

"Noo.. It's so slow and I'm tired" You whined scratching your eyes.

"Yeah i know but just one more please? Look, there isn't even any que" She pouted harder and pointed at the entrance of the ferris wheel.

Finally, you let out a sigh and reluctantly went on the ride with her. Why? Because she's your girlfriend and deserves to be happy all the time.

When you were almost at the top, Lisa stood up and went forward to get a better view of the funfair filled with colourful lights, laughter and pure amazement.

YOUR view however, wasn't only the view of the lit up funfair, but also the view of your girlfriend's whole backside. You smirked.

"Woah the view is amaazing" Lisa said in full awe still looking down at the funfair.

"Yeah damn, the view IS amazing"

At this, she looked at you to see what you were talking about but quickly looked back and blushed after seeing you check her out while biting your lip.

After a few seconds, she fully turned her body facing you. "You know Y/N, i tried, i really tried my best to contain myself tonight but if you're just going to put it out there, why do i even bother?" She said while walking towards you ever so seductively.

You smirked, "Not my fault the view is amazing"

She sat on your lap very slowly, never breaking eye contact. She gave you a small cute smile before capturing your lips in hers and kissing you hard but passionately.

Her hands were everywhere, one moment they were in your hair, the next moment they were grabbing your shirt. One moment they were wrapped around your neck, the next placed on your face. She unbuttoned your top button but stopped there.

Then as quickly as it had happened, she stopped the kiss and stood up, leaving you dazed, confused and desperate.

"Whaa.." You started

"Look we're almost there" She pointed outside and you realised that you both were almost at the end of the ride. She continued to laugh at your dazed expression.

A few seconds later, you reached the bottom of the ferris wheel. She took your hand, blew you a kiss and led you out of the carriage. You did not care about how you looked at that moment, how messy your hair was, how ruffled your shirt must seem and how you still had a dazed expression stuck on your face, all you could think of was what you needed desperately at that moment.

Eventhough you both were quick to leave the ferris wheel, the words of the next couple did not escape your ear:

"I do not wish to know what they did up there"


Short but i'll try to make the rest longer. I need a life too y'know.

Sincerely, Author N

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