Jisoo: So Long

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"Good morning everyone, today, we have Y/N and Kim So-Hyun in the studio!" The radio host greeted as she spoke into the microphone.


The radio host continued, "So today, our guests, Y/F/N, who is a rising star, and Kim So-Hyun, who is already a star, are going to promote and talk about their new drama!". She spoke with so much enthusiasm that you laughed at her excitement.

"Yup, today Y/N/N and I will be giving you some insights on our new drama~" So-Hyun said with the same amount of enthusiasm.

You laughed into the microphone, "Wow i love how everyone is so cheerful today" You mocked their enthusiasm as a joke, but was also genuinely excited.

So as time passes, you and So-Hyun continued to give out details and not forgetting some behind the scenes moments to the radio host. It was rather a normal interview, until..

"So Y/N," The radio host turned to you, "Since you're new in this industry, and recently went to the award show last week," She looked at you for confirmation and continued when you nodded, "You've probably seen most of the idols in person.. do you have anyone that you fancy at the moment?" She finished with an evil smile and you chuckled at the unexpected question.

"Ooh~ this, i'm interested in" Your co-star purposely leaned in closer to you.

You chuckled and scratched your nape as you answered, "Well.. umm.. oh! I did see BLACKPINK there! But only from a distance though.. I was so starstruck that i couldn't even walk infront of them, i had to go around their table" You laughed at yourself. The two other girls laughed along with you.

It was true, when you arrived at the award show, you literally could not move when you saw them. You had never been that starstruck before in your life. They were amazing, sweet and kind, even as you watched from a distance. And you really had to go around their table to the bathroom because you were too shy to walk in front of them.

"Ooh.. But is there someone in particular?" The radio host asked you. You glanced to your left to see So-Hyun already raising and lowering her eyebrows at you. She was the first to know, since you already told her who it was during the award show.

"Um.. maybe.. but i'm also actually a big fan of theirs.. i'm also a Blink!" You answered excitedly, dodging the question like a pro.

The radio host laughed, "Okay then!" And she continued to interview you about the drama.

You didn't want to say who it was, but deep down, you knew it was Kim Jisoo who got to your heart.


"Y/N!" Your co-star pointed at something behind you, not so subtly.

You turned and saw four beauties coming towards your table. You widened your eyes and choked on the water you were drinking.

"Act NORMAL" You mouthed to your co-stars at your table, they all smirked in return. Damn it, you had a bad feeling about this.

As they approached, you stood up, bowed and shook their hands gently, trying to calm your not-so-gentle beating heart.

But Kim Jisoo had to attack you with that smile, that charming yet adorable smile, and you just stood there, staring at her, like an idiot, great job Y/N.

You felt a hand pat your back a little roughly which snapped you out of your senses. You turned and saw So-Hyun also shaking their hands, taking the attention off of your weird staring. Saviour.

"Hi!" They greeted in unison.

"Hello" Was all you could manage from your embarrassement.

"We heard you were a big fan of ours" Jisoo asked with a smile. You nodded, returning her smile.

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