Jennie: Revenge

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The school bell rung, signalling that is was lunch time. You got your books and went to the cafeteria looking for your friends. Once you saw them, you smiled and walked straight to Jennie, as she was also sitting with your group of friends.

"Hey Jennie, i have something, quite unimportant to do right now, so you can eat first" You gave her a kiss on the cheek and she smiled.

"Okaay.. If it's unimportant then why do you have to do it now?" She turned her body facing you. You shrugged, hiding your nervousness for being questioned. She raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off when you showed her a big grin.

"Okay then, see you later, loser" She said.

"Why would you wanna see yourself later? That's so weird" You asked as you started to walk towards the cafeteria exit. Her laughing and shaking her head was the last thing you saw before you left the cafeteria.


Your fist hit him square in the jaw.

He stumbled back but got up quick enough before you could put another punch in. He swung his arm and aimed for your head but you ducked and punched him in the stomach. No regrets. It felt good actually.

He lunged for you but you side stepped and used your leg to kick him from behind causing him to fall face first onto the ground. This guy can clearly fight.

His friends had finally had it. They grabbed you by your arms and shoulders. You held your ground for a few minutes and used all your strength to escape their grip but they were too strong. It was a 5 against 1 match. That bastard.


How did you get here you may ask? Well, on this fine morning, as you were walking to school peacefully, this dumbass, who shall not be named, but will be called Jennie's shitty ex, was talking shit behind her back. He was talking to his pitiful group of friends and his new girlfriend (oh God bless her) how Jennie was a coward and was not brave enough to bang him in his car when they were dating.

You, being you, walked up to him and started defending your girlfriend, because obviously, why wouldn't you? He started talking smack about beating you up but the bell rung, indicating the start of school. He told you to meet him in the parking lot during lunch time to finish your unfinished business(feels like something middle school students would do lmao no offence). You did not hesitate.

You, of course knew you were going to beat his ass if he came alone, but he didn't, and now his dwarfs were here helping him. What a man.


"This was supposed to be between us only. Are you that scared that you had to call your little minions for help?" You said as you looked at him with an unamused face. You were held back against the wall.

You saw his face burn with anger before he started punching you. "You son of a b!tch" He kept repeating as he punched you over and over again.

Just as you were about to feel dizzy and your vision started to become a field of black and white, you heard someone shout "Stop! Now!" and the punches instantly stopped coming. Your mouth started to taste almost metallic-ish and you felt blood trickle down the side of your face. Your eyes throbbed from the punches and you couldn't move your body without feeling pain everywhere. Jennie was so gonna be furious.


"Hey! Jennie!" Jennie heard Lisa shout her name as the younger girl came running to her.

"Yes Lisa? What is it this time? Did you forget anything again?" She asked uninterested as she took her books out of her locker.

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