Jennie: Leave

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"Why do you always have to do this?" You sighed in frustration as you knocked on Jennie's bedroom door for the 100th time tonight.

No answer.

"Jennie.. Come on, let me in.. At least let me explain.." You tried a softer approach.

No answer.

"You know what? Fine" You left her door, left her house, left her, crying alone in the dark.


A few days later, you showed up at Jennie's apartment, holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a bag of McDonalds in the other.

You wanted to apologize to her because for the past few days, you were losing your mind without your girlfriend. You were dying of grief, though you would never let her know that, or so you thought. So, to make ammends, you got her favorite food and flowers and knocked on her door. You waited with a hopeful smile.

A few minutes later, her door opened and her cute little head popped out. A small smile formed on her lips but it was too subtle for you to notice. She didn't say anything as she opened the door wide enough to let you in.

She was wearing your favourite oversized sweater. She had her hair down which made her look so mesmerizing, especially in the morning, and it made you miss her even more, if that was even possible. You just wanted to hug her, that was all you wanted to do. But you battled the urge to. She blushed and resisted a smile on her face as she saw the things you brought.

"Hi baby, i got you this" You gently handed her the flowers and McDonalds.

"Mm.. Thanks!" She quickly replied and smiled as she walked into the living room. You followed her and sat on the floor when you saw her sitting on the couch.

You turned around facing her, "Jennie.." You took a deep breath, "I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry for what happened a few days ago. But these past few days, I was dying, physically and mentally dying, without you, without talking to you, without having you by my side, dying. I just wanted you to know for sure that nothing happened and nothing IS happening between me and her" You stopped, "I just wanted to say that I am truly sorry and i love you"

She gave that adorable signature Jennie smile that had always took your breath away. "That's okay, i love you too Y/N"

You continued to talk and laugh like nothing ever happened. You both were sitting on the couch and you had your arm around Jennie.

"Hey.. But.. Nothing really happened between you two right?" You sighed. Why doesn't she trust you enough to just get over this matter? You had already apologized and you two had already made up. Why did she have to bring the subject up again? And the worst part is that she was doubting your faithfulness.

"Jennie! I've already told you! Nothing happened between us! Why do you not trust me?!" You stood up in defense.

"Calm down! It was just a fvcking question!" She stood up as well, shouting.

You hated this. You hated how you both would always fight and make up, just to fight again. Why can't it be like it used to be? When trust and faith was still there, going strong? Why can't Jennie just trust you completely? It's just so tiring.

"But why do you always have to doubt my loyalty?!" You raised your voice too. "I have never doubted your faithfulness once in this relationship.. Not once.. I didn't need to because I've always trusted you, believed in you.. For all i fvcking know, you could be the one who's cheating on me" You were shouting now.

She shed a tear. You didn't care. Rage was already boiling now. It wasn't fair. It was never fair how you were always the one to be suspected of 'cheating' when you've remained loyal the entire relationship, keeping your eyes and mind on Jennie and only Jennie.

"Have you ever stopped to think how i would feel whenever you accuse me or doubt me? Have you ever-" You stopped shouting the moment you felt a stinging pain on your left cheek. Your line of vision was now looking slightly to the right.

You put your hand on your cheek, trying to process what had just happened. You looked at her but she had no emotion whatsoever on her face. It was an unreadable expression.

Then you heard your girlfriend for 5 years say the one word you thought you would never hear in that cold tone, "Leave".

You stood there, staring hard at her, challenging her to make a move, and when you didn't budge, she continued, "Get out, we're breaking up. I can't do this anymore"

What she did next was what made you break. She took off her promise ring and necklace that had both of your initials on it, walked towards the trash can, and threw it, as if it was a useless piece of junk. There was still no emotion on her face.

You felt your heart crumbling into tiny pieces. But you managed to control yourself and head for the door, you knew that if you walked out this door, you and Jennie would break up and there was no way of fixing it anymore. You stopped infront of the door and looked back, Jennie was sitting on the couch, watching the channel that was currently on, but you knew that she had her mind somewhere far, far away.

"I'm sorry i wasn't good enough for you" You whispered as you stepped out.

Yo guys, i can't really write these days because my mind is currently distracted by TWICE(queens). It really does affect my writing you guys, especially for this book. I even had a Momo imagine come to mind earlier today, i could write it if y'all want me to *smirk*. So please bear with me if i update maybe once a week. I'm such a disappointment i know.

PS: Yes or Yes just came out and it's a fvcking bop go listen to it thanks

Sincerely, Dumbass Author N

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