Rosé: You're Welcome

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You and Chaeyoung were getting ready for tonight. You both decided to go out to a club with some of your friends. You were looking at her doing her lipstick through the mirror and damn does her lips look delicious. She noticed you and you quickly looked down shyly.

"Y/N" She said as she turned your head to face her.


"Next time, if you want a kiss, just tell me" She smiled before kissing you sweetly. Damn, even her lipstick tastes sweet.

"What if i want something more?" You faced her while propping your arm on the dressing table.

"Well," She turned her whole body towards you, making you stand up straighter.

"Something more? Like what Y/N? What are you suggesting?" She slowly but seductively walked closer to you, forcing you to take a few steps backward.

"I don't know, maybe, some late night activities that possibly involves the bed" She was pushing you against the door, making your body the only thing seperating her from it.

"Hmm.. I like what you're suggesting but.." She trailed off as she used her finger to trace from your lips to your jawline to your chest and stopped at your abdomen.

"But i only offered a kiss so" She shrugged and walked back in front of the mirror to continue doing her makeup. She let out an evil laugh when she saw your 'unbelievable' expression.


"Chaeyoung i think you've had enough" You tried to stop your already drunk girlfriend from opening another bottle of alcohol.

"Mmm! No!" She whined.

"Haih.. You're already drunk babe" You reasoned as you gently took her hands away from the bottles. You didn't drink much because you knew how much of a bad drinker Chaeyoung was and you ain't dying in a car tonight.

"Mmm! Y/N! Why do you have to be so controlling! It's my life!" She shouted at you. You were shocked by her sudden outbreak.

"Hey Chaeyoung I'm doing this for your health" You reasoned trying to calm yourself down.

"You always have to tell me what to do! I hate you!" She screamed at you.

Nobody noticed your fight as the music was blaring and all your friends were on the dance floor.

"Fine do whatever you want!" You stood up and went outside to calm yourself. You knew she was drunk and didn't understand the consequences of saying these things but still, it hurt.

You lit a cigarette and sat on the curb, looking at the moon. It was a beautiful night, very different from yours.

The music got louder for a few seconds then got back to being muffled sounds, indicating that somebody just exited the club. You didn't even bother to look behind.

After a few seconds, Chaeyoung sat beside you and layed her head on your shoulder. You sighed and threw the cigarette away.

"Do you still wanna drink? Cause i'm heading home" She did not answer.

"Fine do whatever you want then, I'm leaving" You said as you stood up. She didn't stand up so you just walked towards the direction of your car.

Something must have caused you to stop because before you knew it you were turning around and walking back to the direction of your drunk girlfriend. She was now lying on the dirty sidewalk, hopeless and vulnerable.

You gently lifted her up and walked back to the car. You put her in the passenger's seat and fastened her seat belt(safety first duh).

Driving with a drunk Chaeyoung was a real journey. She wasn't asleep yet so she has been trying to do some dirty things with you but you were still mad and hurt about what she said earlier.

"Y/N" She rested her hand on your inner thigh. You didn't answer her.

"Y/N" She called once more, this time gliding her hand up and down your inner thigh.

"Why isn't Y/N answering me?" She said resting her hand on your groin.

"Chaeyoung, stop it, I'm in no mood for this" You removed her hand.

"Mmm! Why?" Still, you did not answer her. She let out a 'hmph' sound and crossed her arms, trying to tell you that she was mad at you for whatever reason there was to be mad at you for. At this point, you really couldn't care less.

"Fine! Don't sleep with me tonight!" She turned her body towards the car door. God, she could be a real pain in the ass when she's drunk.

You reached your house and struggled to carry her in because she was resisting your help. She softened after you let out a long sigh and kissed her on the lips. You laid her on the bed and changed her clothes into her pyjamas, you decided on your matching animal pyjamas.

What shocked you was that she couldn't stop mumbling about how grateful she was for 'Y/N' as if she wasn't talking to you. And she kept talking about your future together which made you soft, causing you to forgive her. Let's be honest, who wouldn't forgive her when she was being cute as fvck. It's impossible not to.

But that's not all. While you were changing her clothes and taking her make up off, she was alternating between a cute Chaeyoung and a horny Rosé.

"Why are you taking my shirt- oh, i see what's going on" She smirked with her eyes closed which made you roll your eyes.

"Y/N, i know i'm hot but please, contain yourself" She said again as you changed her undergarments.

"You should take yours off too baby" She said lifting your shirt.

"Noo! Why are you putting clothes on me?" She whined trying to take them off. You kissed her again and she stopped resisting.

"You are my real knight in shining armor, Y/N" She said after you finished your mini makeout session as a result of the earlier kiss. Obviously, you couldn't contain yourself, no surprises there.

After you were done with her and yourself, you laid on the bed beside her. Chaeyoung was already asleep. Her hair fell over her face so you tucked it over her ear as you whispered:

"Chaeng, i know you can't hear me but i just wanted to tell you that you really hurt me earlier in the club. I don't know if you really felt that way or if it was just the alcohol talking.. But what you said when i was changing your clothes touched me in a way nobody has ever managed to before. You have always been by my side through everything Chaeyoung and thank you for that. Thank you for being in my life, for just existing. And lastly, thank you for loving me"

"You're welcome"


Y'all better go listen to Kiss And Make Up and support them, especially Dua Lipa, and don't cause any drama, I'm so done with that bullshit.

Sincerely, Author N

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